Archive for 2017

HOW… SPECIAL:  Not Even Denzel Washington Can Save ‘Roman J. Israel, Exq’.

And maybe no one can save the left from itself, either.

We’ve barely met Roman when he compares the United States to a gang. That’s extreme even for the Bernie Sanders contingent. The film itself appears to side with Roman.

The screenplay depicts the U.S. as a place where minorities have little to no rights. Roman and his ilk are all that stands between them and extended jail time. That presentation might have made sense if the story were set in the 1960s … or earlier. As is, it plays out like an MSNBC fever dream.

MICHAEL WALSH: Say ‘No’ to the Driverless Car—for Civilization’s Sake. “A ‘self-driving’ car is an oxymoron, in the same way that ‘paying for a tax cut’ is. Someone or something is going to be driving that car, and the whole point here is that it ain’t going to be you, brother.”