Archive for 2017

PELOSI CHOKES, WON’T SAY THAT “ICON” JOHN CONYERS SHOULD RESIGN OVER SETTLEMENT OF HARASSMENT ALLEGATIONS: Allahpundit describes her performance on this morning’s Meet the Press as “smoking-gun proof that the recent left-wing navel-gazing over whether Bill Clinton should have resigned 20 years ago is cynical nonsense. Faced with credible allegations against a much less powerful Democrat than Clinton in Conyers, one who’s waaaaaay past the age at which he should have retired and who’s been accused of having lost some of his mental capacity, the leader of the caucus whiffs on demanding that he step down. And worse than that, she cites his ‘icon’ status as a point in his favor. Clinton, Conyers, and basically every male member of the Kennedy family, living or dead, would smile at that. It may be the single creepiest thing she’s ever said in public life.”


Isn’t “men and trans men” an inappropriate locution? Why not just say “men”? If a two-part expression is desired, why use the modifier for the trans men and not the cis men? Perhaps the trans men are more emphatically excluded, as they may assert a stronger argument for inclusion, but I see no evidence that any trans men (or other men) are seeking inclusion. Ah, I see the answer in the article. There was concern that if trans men were not specifically excluded, they might feel offended by an unintended message of inclusion. It was therefore important to signal to them that they are regarded as members of the male group, the ones who are excluded. That is, they were shown the respect of being included in the exclusion.

Um, okay. Plus, from the comments: “So in Madison people get to decide which equal rights laws they’ll obey?” That’s one of the perks of being a lefty.

LOADING A DAMAGED DESTROYER: A “heavy lift” transport ship prepares to carry the damaged USS Fitzgerald from Japan to the U.S.

IF I WERE SOMEBODY ELSE, THIS COULD BE A TEDIOUS 3000 WORD THINKPIECE IN THE NEW YORKER. INSTEAD, YOU GET A BLOG POST. But I was pondering the weird behavior of people like Harvey Weinstein and Charlie Rose. This isn’t just about using the power of your position to get women. Instead, there was this weird stuff about walking around naked or in a bathrobe and expecting women to be impressed. So my thought: Instead of exercising traditionally male power, they were trying to exercise the traditionally female power of being desirable and desired. Maybe it’s because they were in industries where that power is especially prominent, but pathetically, they were acting like they hoped someone would find them . . . beautiful.

PAUL KRUGMAN ON ELECTION NIGHT: “If the question is when markets will recover, a first-pass answer is never.”

L.A. Times this weekend: Strong economy boosts Trump among otherwise skeptical voters.

At a recent focus group that Peter Hart, a longtime Democratic pollster, conducted in Wilmington, N.C., for Emory University, even participants who voted for Trump last year sharply criticized his administration, calling it “chaotic” “embarrassing” and disappointing.

Of the five Trump voters among the dozen participants, only one still strongly supported the president. The harsh critiques from the other four followed a pattern that Hart found earlier this year, illustrating how a segment of Trump voters, mostly college-educated and middle- to upper-income whites, has turned against him because of his behavior.

But when the subject turned to the economy, opinions of Trump noticeably warmed.

Trump wants to “bring the economy jobs — infrastructure, construction,” said Katrina Harrell, a 38-year-old black self-employed businesswoman who voted for Hillary Clinton last year. Harrell was extremely critical of almost all other aspects of the administration, but on the economy she gave Trump credit.

“I think those are good moves,” she said. “I mean, that’s what he knows — business.”

Things do seem to be humming along.

CHANGE: Congress has handed Trump a historic presidential victory. “None of this would have been possible without Harry Reid’s decision to kill the filibuster. The result is Trump will get to fill the most federal judiciary vacancies in 40 years.”



JOHN PHILLIPS: Al Gore’s Dark Past Is An Inconvenient Truth.

Some on the left are even suggesting that we reexamine the way we look at former President John F. Kennedy, in light of new information regarding how he treated female employees in the White House.

However, one prominent name has managed to stay off of our radar, and I don’t know why. I am, of course, speaking of former Vice President Al Gore.

Back in October of 2006, a Portland, Ore. masseuse accused the former vice president of “unwanted sexual contact” while performing a massage on him in a hotel room.

While speaking to detectives in January of 2009 the woman said she had been doing requested abdominal work on Mr. Gore when he demanded she go lower.

The New York Times reported that she told police, “I was shocked and I did not massage beyond what is considered a safe, nonsexual area of the abdomen,” she said. “He further insisted and acted angry, becoming verbally sharp and loud.”

“I went into much deeper shock as I realized it appeared he was demanding sexual favors or sexual behaviors.”

She alleged he later tried to have sex with her.

“I did not immediately call the police as I feared being made into a public spectacle and my reputation being destroyed,” she said. “I was not sure what to tell them and was concerned my story would not be believed since there was no DNA evidence from a completed act of rape.”

No charges were ever filed due to a “lack of evidence.”

A second incident allegedly took place at a luxury Beverly Hills hotel in 2007 when Gore was in town for the Oscars.

According to the National Enquirer, a Beverly Hills hotel source told them, “The therapist claimed that when they were alone, Gore shrugged off a towel and stood naked in front of her.

The Enquirer also alleges Gore’s fruit came out of the loom a third time, a year later at a hotel in Tokyo.

Flashback: “Not that being an environmentalist makes a guy a saint, but Gore seemed almost desperate to have us see him as more moral than the average Al. . . . The greenest of the green people I talked to felt betrayed. Gore was their leader and the movement is now, um, stained. The woman even said, according to the transcript of her interview with Portland, Ore., police made public on the Internet, that her ‘Birkenstock Tribe’ friends told her to ‘suck it up’ and not tell anyone or the ‘world’s going to be destroyed from global warming.’”

THE WEEK IN PICTURES: Pervnado Edition.

SPIKED: The Wrath of the Do-Gooders: Are bien pensant observers the most hateful people in politics? Yes. Next question? “Being caring is actually a licence to be nasty. Not only this year have we witnessed a torrent of abuse and slander from the supposedly caring left, directed at so-called populists in the UK and the US, we have also seen physical violence acted upon them. . . . There has always been a malicious, vengeful streak in sections of the compassionate new left. Consider how they have always boasted about ‘hating the Tories’, as if hatred is an emotion to be proud of. The far left always talk of ‘smashing’ or ‘fighting’ things, whether it be capitalism, racism or the system. The rhetoric of caring and combat paradoxically go hand-in-hand. As Albert Camus observed in his attack on Sartre in his 1951 L’Homme révolté, the more someone professes to care about humanity, the more they tend to dislike people as human beings.”

AS SHE CONTINUES HER SERIES ON HILLARY’S BOOK, MY FRIEND AMANDA GREEN IS GOING TO EDGE STEPHEN GREEN OFF THE LIVER TRANSPLANT LIST:  It’s All His Fault – by Amanda S. Green.  Also, every time I read one of these posts, I think “So, God does in fact still protect children, drunkards and the United States of America!”