Archive for 2017

RICHARD FERNANDEZ: Happy Winter Festival.

The effort to erase Christmas will probably fail for no other reason than that it meets a human need that a mechanical bureaucratic day off cannot fulfill.  Humanity needs a time to mark the growth and change in the family, an occasion to renew hopes and put aside fears and a chance to remember something we once knew: that everything’s going to be alright in the end.  It really will.

Merry Christmas, everyone.

Read the whole thing. Especially if your name is Neil deGrasse Tyson‏.

DON SURBER: Trump Is Checking Off Hugh Hewitt’s List.

So I was getting dressed this morning and pulled out the next T shirt off the pile. It is a Hugh Hewitt shirt from 15 or so years ago.
On the back, it listed the five things he was calling for Bush to do, as a Conservative president. Things he never did.

Win the war.
Confirm the judges.
Cut the taxes.
Control the spending.
Secure the border.

Well, looks like Trump hit 4 out of 5 in his first year.
Maybe spending next year?
Home run!

We can hope. At any rate, Trump is turning out to be considerably more conservative in office than he ever was as a public figure. And while he’s no libertarian, with his judicial appointments and deregulation, he’s more libertarian than any recent GOP president or nominee.

MERRY CHRISTMAS! Trump White House docks UN budget $285M after Jerusalem backlash. “The Trump administration has worked out some ‘historic’ belt-tightening at the United Nations, officials announced Sunday. The UN’s budget has been slashed by more than $285 million, according to Ambassador Nikki Haley, who said the cost cuts gutted the organization’s ‘bloated management.’ On Sunday, Haley said the trimmed-down budget would mean increased discipline and accountability throughout the international organization.”

MERRY CHRISTMAS! Let this be your Christmas morning open thread.