Archive for 2017

PSYCHOLOGIST, HEAL THYSELF: Who Sent Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin Horse Manure for Christmas? This Guy Did:

A package of horse manure that was hand-delivered to the Bel-Air home of Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin for Christmas was a political statement by Robert Strong, the activist said in a series of tweets.

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He added in another tweet:

“400 years ago Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses to the Wittenberg door. This week I delivered my 95 FECES to the door of the Secretary of the Treasury, the Lord of Mammon, as Jesus and the Essenes would have called him. It’s time for another Reformation.”

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Strong’s unverified Twitter account says he’s from Eagle Rock, California and he told KPCC that he works as a psychologist for the L.A. Department of Mental Health.

He is also active on behalf of the local homeless, he said, adding, “”In the long run, if we don’t do stuff like this, what are we going to have left?”

Your dignity as a health care professional who didn’t place a bag of feces on someone’s door and compared himself to Martin Luther in the process, for starters. (Assuming his background checks out.)

Trump and his cabinet really do have the power to drive leftists utterly insane, exposing would-be technocratic elitists as anything but in the process. As Glenn has noted on several occasions, “if the press and the political opposition — but I repeat myself — were just sober, straightforward, and honest they could beat Trump easily. But then, if they were capable of that, we wouldn’t have gotten Trump to begin with.”

CULTURE OF CORRUPTION: Democrat running for Congress indicted in $803G fraud, embezzlement case. “A Democrat running for a U.S. House seat in Virginia has been indicted on charges of fraud, embezzlement and theft in connection with events that allegedly occurred in 2012. . . . Prosecutors said Brown received about $803,000 via her nonprofit organization as a participant in a U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Summer Food Service Program. They alleged that Brown acquired funds by filing false reimbursement claims with the Virginia Department of Health.”

KNOW YOUR PLACE, PEASANTS! (APOLOGIES EDITION): United apologizes to passenger booted for congresswoman.

UPDATE: Not unusual for Sheila Jackson Lee.

And Jean-Marie Simon emails: “Unfortunately, United has not issued a formal apology. I filed a complaint form with United four days ago. An agent called me from a call center and personally apologized, but I have not received a formal written apology from United. Further, the AP story conflates what happened at the gate with the ‘apology:’ the $500 voucher was what the gate agent gave me after he initially offered $300. He told me to take the $500 and get on the plane or to find another flight.”

The voucher isn’t enough. United needs to make a public apology, and to restore her the 140,000 miles she used to get the first-class seat that was taken from her and given to a self-important, entitled congresswoman.

MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM ROSIE O’DONNELL: O’Donnell tells Paul Ryan he’s going ‘straight to hell.’

Rosie O’Donnell had a not-so-warm Christmas wish for House Speaker Paul Ryan: go to hell.

The fierce opponent of President Trump and the newly-passed GOP tax plan lashed out at Ryan on Twitter.

“paul ryan – don’t talk about Jesus after what u just did to our nation – u will go straight to hell,” O’Donnell wrote Monday.

“U screwed up fake altar boy,” O’Donnell added.

She finished her holiday attack with the hashtag: “#JUDASmuch” in a reference to the disciple who betrayed Jesus.

Related: “On Wednesday, a new rules page was rolled out to explain how accounts can lose their verified status. In short: if users don’t prescribe to certain Twitter guidelines, even on public sites other than Twitter, they can kiss their blue check marks goodbye. Those guidelines are mostly in line with the rules already in place at Twitter, including direct harassment (or ‘incitement’ thereof) and promoting ‘hate and/or violence.’”

DON SURBER: Hollywood, Trumped. “So Hollywood bravely took on President Trump this year, spurning and mocking the choice of the people of more states than anyone had won since Reagan was president. And this year, lefties mocked the Christmas movies on the Hallmark channel. . . . Naturally, if middle-class Americans like something — Chick-fil-A, Velveeta, Donald Trump — lefties gotta hate it.”


But I won’t lie: It was also an ego boost. I may not have had a job, a husband or a boyfriend, but at least I could attract an adorable 23-year-old.

Over the next few weeks, we texted constantly and kept getting together to talk about our dating and employment searches and to fool around. When I asked him if I seemed older, he said, “Not really. Mostly because you aren’t working and you’re around all of the time.”

I said: “When I graduated high school, you were 4.”

You know?