Archive for 2017


New York Times columnist who called on Al Franken to resign has ‘second thoughts.’

The Times Is “Torn” About Whether Glenn Thrush Should Lose His Job Over Sexual-Misconduct Allegations.

ABCNews’ Alleged “Proud Independent” Chief Political Analyst [Matthew Dowd]: There’s a Big Difference Between Rapists and Molesters Working for “The Common Good” (i.e., Progressives) and Those Not Working for the “Common Good” (i.e., Conservatives).

MSNBC’s Joy Reid tweets, “The Kennedys occupy a special place in our national consciousness. JFK had a roguish gallantry. Jackie O had the glamour and pathos of a Hollywood star. RFK had the seeds of goodness and greatness. Teddy chased redemption. Americans love those kinds of narratives.”

Becket Adams of the Washington Examiner responds to Reid:

“Teddy chased redemption.” You can straight up drown a woman, sexually assault a waitress, etc., etc. and *still* be eulogized with this fluffy shit. The #MeToo movement sputters.

As another Twitter user adds, “Teddy chased that redemption right off the road and into the water leaving a woman to drown. But hey, each to their own, right [Joy Ann Reid]?”

And JFK’s own “roguish gallantry” was certainly roguish.


CNN’s Dylan Byers Laments ‘Drain of Talent’ With Harassers Leaving Hollywood, Media.

How much worse can movies get? (I know, I know, that’s a perennial question for Hollywood.)

UPDATE: “The Democrats are going right back into the same mode they did with Clinton. Don’t worry everyone. In 2036, brave editors will have ask people to write, ‘Franken should have resigned’ pieces,” Jay Caruso of the Dallas Morning News tweets.

THIS IS LIKE A MOTORCYCLE TIME: Tesla Roadster | 0-60 mph in 1.9 seconds! ” The sprint to 100 mph takes only 4.2 seconds, and its top speed is over 250 mph.” Of course, then you have to recharge the battery.

BLAMING THE MESSENGER: Defending Anti-Semites, Rutgers President Takes Aim at the Algemeiner

President Barchi rightly noted that the controversies facing the three members of his faculty staff originated with exposés published by The Algemeiner – but his goal wasn’t to offer a vote of thanks to Shiri Moshe, our reputable journalist who brought these vital issues to the public attention. Instead, his intention was clearly to disparage, undermine and delegitimize our reporting. And on what basis? On the basis that the stories had originated in a Jewish newspaper.

TONE-DEAF: CNN reporter Dylan Byers ripped for lamenting ‘drain of talent’ in scandal-ridden media, Hollywood.

“Beyond the pain/humiliation women have endured (which is of course the paramount issue), it’s worth taking stock of the incredible drain of talent from media/entertainment taking place right now,” Mr. Byers wrote in a now-deleted tweet Tuesday evening.

“Never has so much talent left the industry all at once,” he said.

A talent for what, exactly?

IT’S A VERY IMPORTANT VITAMIN: When treating infertility, vitamin D levels may be key. “The British researchers found that women with correct levels of vitamin D were 34 percent more likely to have a positive pregnancy test, 46 percent more likely to achieve a clinical pregnancy and a third more likely to have a live birth than women with low levels of vitamin D. . . . The researchers, from the University of Birmingham, noted that just 26 percent of women in the studies had sufficient levels of vitamin D.”

HMM: What if there were another way for advertisers to reach their audience while keeping users data anonymous and encrypted, and even rewarding them for their attention?

The good news was that the general public started becoming more aware of Facebook’s attitude towards privacy.

The bad news is that the situation is worse than it’s ever been. Advertisers need ways to reach their audience, and these “free” social media platforms are a path to do just that.

But, what if there were another way for advertisers to reach their audience while keeping users data anonymous and encrypted, and even rewarding them for their attention?

When I heard that a company was addressing the advertising and privacy issue with a new cryptocurrency, naturally it caught my attention.

Charlie Silver, a seasoned and successful entrepreneur, created Algebraix with the intention of making cryptocurrency go mainstream.

I spoke with Charlie to learn more about his company and their plans to break into the crowded advertising market.

Algebraix is an up-and-comer in the current tech scene and is looking to make waves, in what they believe, will become an entirely new field of advertising.

How the Algebraix platform works is simple. Users sign up to receive cryptocurrency that can be spent within the Algebraix blockchain network or traded for other cryptocurrencies, or converted to paper money through other online exchange services, as a reward for consuming digital media such as movie trailers and TV commercials.

While not perfect, it does seem like an improvement over the current system in which users trade every single detail of their lives in exchange for being served up ads on a “free” social network.

ENJOY THE FEAST: Are there neurotoxins in your Thanksgiving meal? That’s a QTWTAIN, says environmental risk expert Angela Logomasini. As she notes, a lot of the hysteria is politically-driven:

Disregarding this reality, media hype about conventional produce and synthetic pesticides suggests they pose serious health risks. Much of this hype appears politically driven. For example, after a Trump administration decision rejecting an environmental activist petition to ban the pesticide known as chlorpyrifos, media attacks exploded. They absurdly allege that the pesticide is a dangerous “neurotoxin” similar to chemical warfare agents such as sarin gas and that it’s use could actually lead to brain damage.

As she points out, the real risk is from organic pathogens, which we’ve known about for a long time. So cook everything properly, and enjoy the feast! Happy Thanksgiving to all!

MANSON AND THE TOTALITARIAN TEMPTATION: “The potential for entire social movements to end up sympathizing with visibly pathological murderers with swastikas carved in their foreheads is a persistent potential. All you have to do is let down, for a brief moment, your simplest sense of right and wrong, perhaps because you pride yourself on being upset about some social issue….”

Read the whole thing.


Story here.

KELLEY PAUL: Since the attack, my husband Rand Paul hasn’t taken a single breath without pain.

As we walked through the airport returning from D.C., he was shivering with a 102.5 fever, and the next morning his internist diagnosed pneumonia in his damaged lung.

It is incredibly hurtful that some news outlets have victimized Rand a second time as he struggles to recover, delighting in hateful headlines like “Not A Perfect Neighbor,” and concocting theories about an “ongoing dispute,” based on nothing more than speculation from an attention-seeking person with no knowledge of anything to do with us.

The fact is, neither Rand nor I have spoken to the attacker in 10 years (since before his wife and children moved away) other than a casual wave from the car. Nobody in our family has, nor have we communicated with anyone in his family. With Rand’s travel to D.C. in the last seven years, he has rarely seen this man at all.

The only “dispute” existed solely in the attacker’s troubled mind, until, on a beautiful autumn day, he ran down the hill on our property and slammed his body into Rand’s lower back as he stood facing away, wearing noise canceling headphones to protect his ears from the lawnmower.

This was not a “scuffle,” a “fight” or an “altercation,” as many in the media falsely describe it. It was a deliberate, blindside attack. The impact left Rand with six broken ribs, three displaced, pleural effusion and now pneumonia. This has been a terrible experience; made worse by the media’s gleeful attempts to blame Rand for it, ridiculing him for everything from mowing his own lawn to composting.

This Thanksgiving weekend, instead of playing golf with his sons or enjoying our annual touch football game with family and neighbors, Rand will be in pain. But we will still be grateful for the love of our large and supportive family, and for the encouragement and prayers of hundreds of kind and thoughtful people during these last weeks.

The visible glee with which so many “mainstream” liberal outlets greeted this unprovoked attack tells you a lot. And yet these journalists wonder why so many Americans hate them.