Archive for 2016

NOBEL PEACE PRIZE UPDATE: Behind Closed Doors, Top U.S. Commander Frustrated With Obama.

This isn’t the first we’ve heard of major disagreements between the White House and the Pentagon over U.S. Asia policy. Two weeks ago, the well-connected David Ignatius indicated that top Defense officials would like to see the U.S. take a tougher line in the South China Sea. But this Navy Times report is pretty remarkable. It’s difficult not to assume that although Harris’ office declined to comment on-the-record, someone close to the Admiral has been disclosing Defense’s frustrations off-the-record.

It’s easy to see why Defense officials would be exasperated. China is slowing but steadily taking control of one of the world’s critical shipping lanes, and the U.S. President doesn’t want to try harder to stop them because he’s focused on nuclear non-proliferation and non-binding climate agreements. Yes, the United States needs China’s cooperation on many issues. But America has, since the end of World War Two, defended freedom of the seas as a cornerstone of a peaceful world order that has largely benefited the world.

President Obama, the White House keeps saying, is focused on legacy-building in his final year. Well, a Beijing-controlled South China Sea and the embittering of America’s Asia Pacific allies and partners who asked the U.S. to intervene on their behalf would certainly be quite a legacy.

Worst commander-in-chief ever?

HOUSING BUST LINGERS FOR GENERATION X: “Compared with previous generations, Generation X went from the most successful in terms of homeownership rates in 2004 to the least successful by 2015, according to the data, which date to the early 1980s,” the Wall Street Journal notes:

The culprit: a historic bull market for housing, fueled in part by easy-to-get mortgages, that encouraged record levels of home buying until the financial system cracked and the housing market collapsed. Earlier generations such as baby boomers, who entered the market before the frenzy of the early 2000s, have fared better.

Hey, if only Viacom-owned MTV hadn’t pushed that whole “Rock the Vote” thing to enable Bill Clinton’s rise to power, and if only tyro young voters could have seen through his proto-hipster posing. I’m sure Bill and Hillary feel your pain though:


Alternate headline: Europe totally had it coming wearing such a short skirt. Or as Tim Blair’s commenters would say, “British Muslims Fear Repercussions Over Tomorrow’s Train Bombing.”

And note that despite American CBS’s 60 Minutes eagerly promoting anti-Israeli Palestinian “Pallywood” propaganda, Islamic “migrants” in Sweden had no qualms last month attacking 60 Minutes Australia correspondent Liz Hayes in full view of her cameraman:

Related: How Islamists Are Slowly Desensitizing Europe And America.

ASHE SCHOW: Student expelled for sexual assault for something other people did.

New, yet Victorian, views of sex on college campuses have led to a return to the days when men were the ultimate protectors of women. This view says that women who drink cannot be held accountable for their actions, and are to be viewed as victims. Men who drink, meanwhile, are to be held accountable for their actions (and the actions of the women around them), and are to be viewed as perpetrators.

Now comes a story out of California, in which a male student (referred to in court documents as John Doe) was expelled for consensual sex because the accuser did not like what other men involved in the group sexual activity did to her. The University of Southern California determined Doe was somehow responsible for preventing and stopping what the other men did, even though his accuser gave no indication she didn’t like the contact. When she finally did show displeasure with the activities, by all accounts, Doe immediately stopped engaging in sexual contact with her and left.

Even stranger, Doe was found in violation for sexual assault because he allegedly left his accuser after the sexual activity, which may have endangered her. So here a student is being branded a rapist because he didn’t sufficiently protect a woman from other people or from what could have happened after the sexual activity.

He’s a male, which makes him guilty.

WHAT IS HILLARY HIDING? Reporter: Clinton Camp Used Static Noise to Drown Out Speech at Colorado Fundraiser:

The Hillary Clinton campaign used a static noise machine to drown out the Democratic presidential frontrunner’s speech during a fundraiser in Colorado Thursday.

Stan Bush, a reporter for KCNC-TV CBS4 in Denver, was among several reporters staking out the fundraiser at the home of Gov. John Hickenlooper (D.).

Music could be heard at the event, which was held outside in a public neighborhood before Clinton was set to speak. The campaign then used a “large speaker pointed out into the street” to distort the sound so lingering reporters could not hear, according to Bush.

Bush said the campaign “must have chosen static noise as a privacy wall since they wanted to hold an event outside in a public neighborhood.”

Exclusive video of Hillary’s speech and her static noise generator; must credit if copied:

On a serious note though, if the MSM wanted to push back against Hillary’s continuing efforts to limit their access they could; to understand why they don’t, just think of them as Democrat activists with bylines and you won’t go far wrong, to coin an Insta-phrase.

FIRST QUARTER ECONOMIC NUMBERS LOOK SO BLEAK THEY’LL NEED THE ADDITION OF OBAMA’S MINIONS’ NUMBER-MASSAGING HELP: “They’re not going to let it be negative, as that would set up the possibility of an official recession just before the election (two negative quarters in a row). They’ll make sure it comes in at at least 0.1.”

Flashback: National Bureau of Economic Research redefines recession definition to move recession back from the third quarter of 2008 to December of 2007. Similarly, in the fall of 1992, the media hid the economic recovery occurring under George H.W. Bush’s watch to enable the Clintons’ “Worst recession in 50 years” lie. Or as a Time magazine headline writer described it with maximum self-satisfied snark on December 7th of 1992, “Bush’s Economic Present for Clinton.” The economy would grow 4.2 percent that quarter, but you never would have known it from the DNC-MSM until after November 3rd.

Flash-forward: “‘The Greater Depression Has Started’ — Comparing 1930s & Today.” Soon, we could be partying like it’s 1929…

THEY BECAME TEH GRAUNIAD SO SLOWLY I NEVER NOTICED TILL NOW: BBC News covers Higgs boson reboot with a smutty spelling gaffe.

Layers and layers of fact and spell checkers.  You know the drill. If only they were some gonzo guys (and gals) in their pajamas!

UPDATE: Link fixed!

AT AMAZON, deals on Bestselling Digital Cameras. Digital cameras have sure come a long way since I first started blogging about them.

Plus, up to 50% off Bosch tools. I still love my Bosch cordless drill. I was doing some deck repairs using it and the GRK fasteners that I blogged about a while ago. Everything was zippy and easy. Even the Insta-Wife was impressed.