HOUSING BUST LINGERS FOR GENERATION X: “Compared with previous generations, Generation X went from the most successful in terms of homeownership rates in 2004 to the least successful by 2015, according to the data, which date to the early 1980s,” the Wall Street Journal notes:

The culprit: a historic bull market for housing, fueled in part by easy-to-get mortgages, that encouraged record levels of home buying until the financial system cracked and the housing market collapsed. Earlier generations such as baby boomers, who entered the market before the frenzy of the early 2000s, have fared better.

Hey, if only Viacom-owned MTV hadn’t pushed that whole “Rock the Vote” thing to enable Bill Clinton’s rise to power, and if only tyro young voters could have seen through his proto-hipster posing. I’m sure Bill and Hillary feel your pain though: