Archive for 2016

THE FREEDOM FROM RELIGION FOUNDATION GETS A BLOODY NOSE: Unintended Consequences.  (Liberty Zone, language warning, you’ve been told.)

DELTA STEWARDESSES BRAWL AT 37,000 FEET: Delta flight “from Los Angeles to Minneapolis had to make an unscheduled landing in Utah because two female flight attendants got into a fistfight at 37,000 feet.”

I’m old enough to remember a more civilized era, when women were expected to duke it out before they get on the airplane:

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CHARLES C.W. COOKE: Tucker Carlson Misfires with his Analysis of Conservatism for Politico.

If you’ll forgive the expression, this is a post-mortem without a body. At present, Donald Trump has the theoretical support of a plurality — not a majority — of Republican primary voters. Indeed, at present, most Republicans prefer someone else. As of today, not a single vote has been cast. As of today, the nomination could go one of three or even four considerably different ways. If Trump ends up as the nominee, then it may well be fair to say that the Republican party has been proven to be “out of touch with its voters” and that, in 2016, “the party had no idea who its voters were or what they believed.” But if he doesn’t? Well, then this prediction is going to look really quite odd. It is one thing to say “there is a sizable portion of GOP voters who are unhappy with the status quo”; that much is demonstrably true, and was noted well in National Review’s recent editorial. But it is quite another thing to presume that those voters are “the GOP” per se. Unfortunately, Carlson does precisely that.

Had the GOP done its job, these voters wouldn’t be alienated and angry.

A QUANTUM OF RATIONALITY: Panicked Oxford Cancels “Completely Barking” Mad Decision to Remove Rhodes Statue After Alumni Threaten to Withdraw Millions.

The governing body of Oriel College, which owns the statue, has ruled out its removal after being warned that £1.5m worth of donations have already been cancelled, and that it faces dire financial consequences if it bows to the Rhodes Must Fall student campaign.

A leaked copy of a report prepared for the governors and seen by this newspaper discloses that wealthy alumni angered by the “shame and embarrassment” brought on the 690-year-old college by its own actions have now written it out of their wills.
The college now fears a proposed £100m gift – to be left in the will of one donor – is now in jeopardy following the row.
The donors were astonished by a proposal to remove a plaque marking where Rhodes lived, and to launch a six-month consultation over whether the statue of the college’s biggest benefactor should be taken down.

College students are behaving idiotically, and administrators aren’t any better. Time for some adult supervision from outside.

UPDATE: From the comments: “Note to college students: You are not that important. For every one of you, there are 5 more just as qualified ready to take your spot. YOU.ARE.NOT.SPECIAL.”