Archive for 2016


The use of scare quotes around “socialist” (as in “’socialist’ presidential candidate Bernie Sanders”) and around the phrase “social justice warriors” in a Daily Beast article — a Website spun off from the ashes of the “We Are All Socialists Now”-era Newsweek — is quite precious.

And I thought the word “crusader” was banned after 9/11 by the PC police?

CHOOSE THE FORM OF YOUR DESTRUCTOR. Flashback to May of 2012: Newsweek Columnist Michelle Goldberg Likens “Insufferable” Ann Romney To Hitler, Stalin.

From most accounts, the Romneys are remarkably decent, civil-minded centrist Republicans. But between the above attack on Ann Romney and the smears that Mitt gave an employee cancer(!),  the DNC-MSM worked all out to destroy them in the most vicious way possible, thus leading to the rise of centrist Republican Donald Trump, who, whatever his myriad excesses, at least punches back twice as hard against the MSM, as a wise community organizer advises.

Speaking of which… VIDEO=> TRUMP Blasts Stephanopoulos: I Know Clinton Is a ‘Good Friend’ of Yours… You Don’t Reveal It.


TOO LITTLE, TOO LATE: Cass Sunstein: We’ve Entered the Age of Partyism—It Might Get Worse Than Racism.

Wait ’til Sunstein discovers how viciously the left acted from, oh, mid to late November of 2000 until January of 2009. Speaking of which, a flashback to a Jonah Goldberg column from February of 2008 on “Terrorists Who Never Have To Say ‘Sorry:’”

What fascinates me is how light the baggage is when one travels from violent radicalism to liberalism. Chicago activist Sam Ackerman told Politico’s reporter that Ayers “is one of my heroes in life.” Cass Sunstein, a first-rank liberal intellectual, said of Ayers and Dohrn, “I feel very uncomfortable with their past, but neither of them is thought of as horrible types now – so far as most of us know, they are legitimate members of the community.”

Why, exactly, can Ayers and Dohrn be seen as “legitimate members of the community”? How is it that they get prestigious university jobs when even the whisper of neocon tendencies is toxic in academia?

And from Sunstein himself in mid-2008:

“This is the Barack Obama I have known for nearly 15 years — a careful and evenhanded analyst of law and policy, unusually attentive to multiple points of view. . . . Obama has a genuinely independent mind, he’s a terrific listener and he goes wherever reason takes him. . . . In recent weeks, his speaking talents, and the cultlike atmosphere that occasionally surrounds him, have led people to wonder whether there is substance behind the plea for ‘change’ — whether the soaring phrases might disguise emptiness and vagueness. But nothing could be further from the truth. He is most comfortable in the domain of policy and detail.”

What a rube.

CULTURE OF CORRUPTION: Hillary Clinton is not the only Democrat facing legal problems this cycle.

Hillary Clinton’s email probe and Donald Trump’s university trial might be getting more coverage, but another candidate faces her own legal problems this election cycle.

Rep. Tammy Duckworth, D-Ill., will face a civil trial during the campaign season for allegedly retaliating against whistleblowers during her service as head of the Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs. A judge just set a tentative trial date for August.

Duckworth’s campaign has called the lawsuit “politically motivated,” but the case is actually seven years old, and was originally brought by a state civil servant with more than two decades on the job at a time when Duckworth was not running for office. State attorneys representing Duckworth and the agency have argued that Duckworth fired Christine Butler, who had worked for the state for 22 years, because of “insubordination,” and not as punishment for complaining about a supervisor who was violating procedure. Duckworth was told she needed to follow disciplinary procedures in order to fire someone, so she reprimanded Butler and suspended her with pay.

Human resources secretary Denise Goins, who is also part of the lawsuit, said her complaints about the same supervisor were brushed aside. Duckworth allegedly told Goins to “do your job and keep your mouth shut.”

Dems are always telling people to shut up.

ROGER KIMBALL: On Clinton Cash, Or, It’s Always Worse Than You Think.

Eye-popping speaking fees for Bill — $250,000, $500,000, even $750,000 a pop — and millions upon millions directed to the Clinton Foundation and its offshoots. Where was the money coming from? Did they actually find his “wisdom” that valuable?

No. The money came from multinational corporations that needed a favor. Shady foreign financiers. Dubious state entities in Africa, Saudi Arabia, Russia, South America, and elsewhere.

Are you worried about “money in politics”? Stop the car, get an extended-stay room, and take a long hard look at the Clintons’ operation for the last sixteen years.

Corruption at the top.

LOOK, IN MY DAY WE SHOT FOR “SENTIENT” BUT IF YOU’RE THAT DESPERATE FOR A DATE ON A SATURDAY NIGHT, DIRT CAN’T RUN AWAY: You Can Have Sex With The Environment Now, Y’all.  (aka, what feminism hath wroth.)

IT IS APT TO REMEMBER THAT EVEN IF WE FALL, WE DON’T HAVE TO STAY FALLEN: Let New Europe be New Europe.  They survived communism and they might outlast the west.

YEAH, BUT YOU’D HAVE TO GIVE UP FEDERAL DOLLARS: Most states have an addiction issue with Fed cash. Restoring local control of education.

IT’S SAD WHEN A STATE GETS HIGH: (Before you tell me what’s wrong with the map, yes, I know, THAT’S the joke.)