Archive for 2015


YES, VIOLATING RULES IS EXACTLY WHAT WE WANT IN A PRESIDENT:  No, actually it’s not.  But it might very well be for Vox editors.  As long as she only violates the RIGHT kind of rules.

FATALISM VERSUS DETERMINISM:  I’m almost sure he’s using “determinism” wrong, but a worthwhile read nonetheless. Fatalism vs. Determinism.


First, you censorious Guardians of Feels on the Left: if you thought that the norms you created wouldn’t be used against your “own side,” you’re fools. It is apparently your theory that the law is sexist, racist, and every other -ist, driven by privilege and wealth, and that free speech norms serve to protect rich white guys — yet somehow exceptions to free speech norm will be imposed in an egalitarian, progressive way. That is almost indescribably moronic. Go sit in the corner and think about what you have done.

This Royal Throne of Feels, This Sheltered Isle, This England.

ANDREW KLAVAN: FORGET WHERE’S WALDO — WHO’S HILLARY? “But the real question is not whether she’s corrupt. Duh. The question is: Who the hell is she when she’s at home? What does she believe, aside from appeasing this portion of the base or that? What’s her vision, aside from herself in the Oval Office? What’s her pitch to America, aside from the fact she’s female? Really. I can choose between the Republicans on the basis of their policies and their characters. But when it comes to Hillary….  Who the hell is she?”

Want a serious answer? The last half-dozen chapters of Jonah Goldberg’s Liberal Fascism — written during the period when it was assumed that Hillary had the Democrat nomination for 2008 in the bag, and not some unknown junior Midwest rookie senator named, as Teddy Kennedy would have said at the time, Osama or Obama, or whatever it was, give an excellent insight into her worldview and its sources.


We’re reminded of when the Massachusetts Army National Guard’s IT people (a more useless bunch of Massholes can only be found in the state’s welfare offices, on either side of the counter, but we digress) loaded up C 1/20th SF’s computers with context-sensitive (and we do mean sensitive) filters. Want to go to Safariland and order holsters? Barrett to get some spare mags and firing pins? You can’t do that.

This site is prohibited. Reason: weapons/violence.

So we called the oxygen thieves at the state HQ (which had just, grandly, renamed itself Joint Forces HQ because it was a nest of otherwise useless Air National Guard desk jockeys along with the Army National Guard drones), and asked them to kindly remove their hindranceware from our computers. It quickly emerged that they didn’t really know how to operate the filters, and they weren’t very interested in learning, and anyway, they told us:

It’s part of the Adjutant General’s fivety-leven point plan to end workplace violence.

We had a ready reply:

Honey, we are a special forces company. We are all about workplace violence!

But no, that didn’t make an impression. Some bureaucrat from the 90% of the Army that’s flat cold terrified of firearms was going to continue to stand in the way of the 1% that actually gets an enormous kick out of using them. So, like the fabled Internet, we routed around the damage by using private computers and a wireless/cellular internet connection.

Welcome to the combat arms! This is a violence-free workplace. Lord love a duck.

Heh, indeed.™

(Via Ace of Spades.)

NEWS YOU CAN USE: Let Your Freak Flag Die.

Related: What was this “punk rock” genre we once heard about many decades ago?

Just a reminder, the ’60s and ’70s are to us what the ’20s and ’30s were to the ’70s. Other than my dad, I didn’t hear a whole lot of people playing Rudy Vallée and Nick Lucas records in 1977. But as he could have warned me (and I think in his own way did):