MORE DAMAGE FROM THE NSA SPYING: Harris Poll: People Using Internet Less After Snowden Revelations. “People are asking questions they didn’t ask before. To be in this place now, given the history of this industry, is just amazing. There is a level of suspicion and confusion we haven’t had before.” I believe that 2014 is the year the bloom came off the tech industry.
Archive for 2014
April 4, 2014
THE PRO-ORGASM MOVEMENT: “We women are prone to exaggeration.”
Plus: “Keep track of your lube—each jar looks the same.”
AT AMAZON, spring deals in Lawn & Garden.
CIVIL RIGHTS UPDATE: Oregon State University pays $101,000 to settle suit over trashed conservative paper.
Oregon State University has paid $1,000 plus $100,000 in legal fees to a former student to settle a lawsuit over the confiscation of distribution boxes for a conservative-leaning student newspaper.
Supporters of the newspaper called The Liberty sued the school in 2009, alleging the university president and other school officials granted the official campus newspaper numerous bins while restricting The Liberty’s distribution.
The suit alleged that school officials confiscated distribution bins for The Liberty and tossed them onto a trash heap. The bins, which contained copies of the paper, were allegedly removed without notice and thrown next to a dumpster.
Lower-ranking campus officials said they removed The Liberty’s boxes to beautify the campus, but distribution bins for the campus paper were reportedly left untouched. Top school officials said they had not ordered the destruction.
Uh huh.
THESE DAYS, THAT TAKES IMAGINATION: The Leland Yee Story, As A Free Press Would Tell It.
ASKING THE IMPORTANT QUESTIONS: Why Does It Matter If Homo Sapiens Had Sex With Neanderthals? Me, I’m more interested in some hot Denisovan action.
HOW THEY DO THINGS IN THE LEGACY MEDIA: Washington Post: No Correction, But You Can Have a Reprint of the Article!
PRIVACY: How Your Location Data Is Being Used to Predict the Events You Will Want to Attend. Well, when I check in on Facebook — almost always with the Insta-Wife — Facebook helpfully “suggests” people to check in with, usually Facebook friends I’ve never checked in anywhere with, and often friends I’ve never met in the flesh at all. So, we’ll see how good this is. . . .
I STARTED TELLING MY STUDENTS A FEW YEARS AGO THAT STATE & LOCAL TAXATION WAS A GOOD FIELD TO GET INTO: State Tax Grab: Cash-hungry governments are shaking down nonresident businesses and workers.
I’M NOT SURE ABOUT THIS, THOUGH ANYTHING “TAPAS-ORIENTED” CAN’T BE ALL BAD: A diet designed for people in their fifties.
READER BOOK PLUG: From Michelle & Richard Bledsoe, The Secret Kingdom.
RON COLEMAN: Intellectual Property’s Ancien Régime. “In revolutionary times, even IP lawyers need to keep an eye on what’s going on in the streets. It’s not as safe as you might think behind the walls of the Bastille.”
21ST CENTURY RELATIONSHIPS: It turns out Japanese married couples like sex as much as anyone, but not so much with each other.
I’D LIKE TO ASK STEVE RATTNER SOME QUESTIONS: The 4 Questions GM Needs to Answer About the Recall.
Related: What did the Treasury Dept. Know About GM’s Problems and When did they Know it? “Here’s the chart of GM’s stock for the last six months. Did the Treasury Department get lucky with it sales or is the government guilty of insider trading? Is GM guilty of securities fraud for not mentioning the switch defect in their IPO prospectus? Did the Treasury Department know about the switch defect and still let GM go public without the proper disclosures?” I’m not expecting much from Obama’s SEC, but I wonder if we could see private suits? If Obama were a Republican, such suits would be certain.
THIS SOUNDS PRETTY SHADY. AND THUS BELIEVABLE, WITH THIS CROWD. HHS “Started” Individual Obamacare Applications Prior To Deadline, Obtained Personal Info From States.
THIS IS WHAT THEY DO, AND IT WORKS. THAT’S WHY THEY COMPLAIN SO MUCH WHEN IT’S DONE TO THEM. The “Othering” Of Ted Cruz. They show you who they’re afraid of.
THE PITCHFORKS AREN’T A TOOL. THE PITCHFORKS ARE AN END IN THEMSELVES. Gay Marriage Supporter Abhors Mozilla’s Decision to Fire Eich.
This is no more than political correctness gone berserk. It is totalitarianism flying under the banner of marriage equality. How reactionary, how fascistic, and, yes, how darkly comic is that.
And to give you an idea how dangerous this is, for those who don’t already know, the names of those who donated to Proposition 8 were leaked by the IRS in 2012 to the same-sex marriage supporting Human Rights Campaign who then posted those returns, for a time, on their website. Human rights, but apparently not for Brendan Eich.
The weird part of all this is that gay marriage is virtually a fait accompli in our culture. Leading politicians in both parties either back it or say that it should be decided by the states. But the Robespierres go on.
Related: Andrew Sullivan Worries LGBT Movement Becoming Like Religious Right. Has become.
SO, Leland Yee Used Campaign Funds For Travel To The Philippines. “State Sen. Leland Yee spent campaign donations in recent years to travel to the Philippines, the country from which federal authorities accuse him of arranging to smuggle hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of military-style weapons.”
IN THE MAIL: From Perry L. Cochell & Rod Zeeb, Beating the Midas Curse.
Also, today only: “Indiana Jones: The Complete Adventures” on Blu-ray, $29.99 (61% off).