Archive for 2014


As you read this on your iPhone, eat an organic avocado grown in California and buy a plane ticket home for winter break, I urge you to think about what a world without fossil fuel use would mean. Energy is embedded in virtually everything we do and consume, from life-saving drugs to our clothing. Because the divestment movement is not just about how colleges spend their money, it is about taking down the enormous carbon fuel industry. This would be a different story if a viable option to fossil fuels existed that could handle all the world’s needs. But sadly we are not there yet.

And this isn’t just about getting to keep your iPhone. Lower-income households spend almost a quarter of their income on energy. Cutting out fossil fuels would cause energy prices to soar, punishing the poor the most.

It’s all about SJW-types feeling good about themselves, and having an issue — any issue — to keep student cadre-building going for The Party.

REVENGE OF THE NERPS. Northeastern Republican Politicians do seem to be having a better than average year.

EBOLA: Trust a politician, or an expert? Problem is, even a lot of the “experts” are acting like politicians. Can we import some Nigerian experts?

WELL, THAT’S A RELIEF: Experts: Worst-case U.S. Ebola scenario 130 cases by end of 2014.

Infectious disease experts predict anywhere from a mere one or two additional cases of Ebola to a worst-case scenario of 130, according to simulations conducted for the Associated Press.

Almost all of the predicted cases will be healthcare workers returning from West Africa.

“I don’t think there’s going to be a huge outbreak here, no,” Dr. David Relman, a professor of infectious disease, microbiology and immunology at Stanford University’s medical school, told the AP. “However, as best we can tell right now, it is quite possible that every major city will see at least a handful of cases.”

A total of eight patients have currently been treated for Ebola in the U.S.

Only two of them contracted Ebola within the U.S., and both were healthcare workers who treated Thomas Eric Duncan, who contracted Ebola in Liberia.

Well, I’m not worried. We’ve got top men on it. Top men.

ELIMINATIONIST RHETORIC FROM THE NEW YORK TIMES: “Ultimately the question is, does ‘mankind’ really need men?” “That’s from the NYT, which is, of course, written for women. Stuff like this is considered light entertainment. It will be interspersed with serious articles about the ‘war on women.’ Enjoy!”

STEPHEN GUTOWSKI: Ambush Interviews And Double Standards. 60 Minutes/Michael Moore: Fine! Journalism! Jason Mattera/James O’Keefe: Stalking! Harassment!

FASTER, PLEASE: Prototype “Ambulance Drone” Could Be a Lifesaver, Literally. “Developed to combat the high mortality rate of cardiac arrest victims—’around 800,000 people suffer a cardiac arrest in the European Union every year and only 8.0 percent survive,’ says Momont—the prototype drone comes equipped with a defibrillator and, assuming its destination is within a four-and-a-half-square mile radius, can arrive on the scene in less than a minute.”

SO I GUESS UNDER CONGRESS’S POWER TO REGULATE INTERSTATE COMMERCE, which nowadays is interpreted as the power to do anything that might boost interstate commerce, Congress could pressure women to have more kids. Or, a la ObamaCare, tax them for not doing so. Study: Women with more children are more productive at work. After all, they justified the drug war in part on a federal interest in workplace productivity. . . .

BEWARE, BERKELEY SJWs: If You Strike Bill Maher Down, He Shall Become More Powerful Than You Can Possibly Imagine. “As hard as it may be to believe, the phrase ‘Banned in Boston’ was once used by book publishers as a badge of honor, to note a work of cultural, political (or erotic) significance too dangerous to be allowed in a town dominated by pious bluebloods. Today the phrase ‘Banned at Berkeley’ could be used in much the same way. The only difference is that the pieties have changed, as Bill Maher is discovering, for his outspoken and heretical view that Islam is not a religion of peace.”

WHAT HAPPENED to Virgin Galactic’s Spaceship Two? “This was a test flight. This is what test flights are for. The desert around Mojave has a decades-long history of smoking holes in the ground and test-pilot funerals, though most of them usually originate from Edwards AFB, a few mile to the south. The company won’t be flying passengers until they’ve had many successful consecutive test flights, with whatever new vehicle they develop, assuming they follow through on pledges at the press conference yesterday, and move forward.”