Archive for 2012

FRANK J. FLEMING: We Need A Modern Bill of Rights. “We want a strong government that guarantees us all the things we need, and we should have a new Bill of Rights that reflects that. I propose that we have a meeting of all the great minds (college professors, A-list Hollywood actors, people who watch ‘Downton Abbey’) to list everything people need — basics like food, transportation, and smart phones.”

PROFESSOR JACOBSON: Repeat after me: “The Shirley Sherrod tape was not misleading.”

No, it wasn’t. And the people who say otherwise either never actually read Andrew’s original post, or are miserable lying pricks. Just to be clear, here. Key point: “What really was going on was that the crowd reaction to the Sherrod’s comments caught on the tape was very damaging to the NAACP and those who attacked the Tea Party movement as racist. The crowd cheered when Sherrod recounted her long-ago hostility to the white farmer, and that crowd reaction was the real story. Focusing the debate on the editing of the tape was a convenient distraction.”

I THINK IT’S A RESPONSE TO WIDESPREAD KAKISTOCRACY: Where Are All The Libertarians Coming From? “There’s a silent revolution happening on campuses across the world. Libertarian activism is on the rise. Political figures like Ron Paul have started to draw huge support from younger voters, but the trend seems to be much deeper and more sustained than any single political campaign. Rather than simply throwing support behind individuals and politicians, students are rallying around distinctly pro-liberty ideas and ideologies.” But it’s not just happening in the United States.


Regretfully, I must remind these deans of civility that when Tony Snow announced that his cancer had returned, gleeful cheers rose up from prominent quarters of left. Tony, as absolutely everyone knew, was courtly, contained, a devout Evangelical Christian, who’s unflappable public style could not have been more different than Andrew’s flamboyant, and, yes, often combative personality. It didn’t matter. It doesn’t matter. Low key, or fever pitch. The standard that counts is influence. If a conservative has it, they can expect to be savaged, even in death. And Andrew knew this.

No decency. No decency at all.

UPDATE: Getcher “I am Breitbart” t-shirts right here.


Twenty years ago, most well-off US citizens owned a camera, a video camera, a CD player, a stereo, a video game console, a cell phone, a watch, an alarm clock, a set of encyclopedias, a world atlas, a Thomas Guide, and a whole bunch of other assets that easily add up to more than $10,000. All of which come standard on today’s amrat phones…that’s how quickly $10,000 worth of expenses can vanish.

From Peter Diamandis & Steven Kotler, Abundance: The Future Is Better Than You Think.

WSJ: The Export Subsidy Boomerang. “If you thought Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and Solyndra would teach Congress a lesson about politicized credit, think again. The federal Export-Import Bank is up for reauthorization, and the only question seems to be how much more taxpayer money Washington wants to put at risk. If the GOP wants to have a principled battle about fiscal waste and market distortions, this is a good one. . . . Business lobbies claim the country can’t afford to let the bank expire or—gasp—private banks like Citigroup and J.P. Morgan would have to do more trade financing. California Republican Gary Miller, supported by fellow Republican Spencer Bachus, Democrat Barney Frank and others, has a bill pending in the House to prolong the bank’s life through 2015 and raise its lending cap to $160 billion from $100 billion. The House Financial Services Committee waved the bill through in a voice vote last year and it’s likely to get a floor vote this month.”

PERHAPS THE LETHAL “HOSTILITY” CAME FROM supercilious schmucks like Robert Wright. Just sayin’ . . . .

Really, how pathetic is this piece? When it starts out “I didn’t know Andrew Breitbart,” and then praises an “acute” observation by David Frum, the cause is already lost. Robert Wright: You should apologize to your readers, and to everyone who actually did know Andrew Breitbart. This is unworthy of you. You schmuck.

UPDATE: Reader Simon Jester emails:

Just saw your post about Robert Wright. Indeed, a schmuck.

But something else. Many people, including me, have noticed the Left demonstrating classic psychological projection—accusing other people of what they do themselves.

In that light, I found Robert Wright actually attempting to psychologically diagnose someone else interesting. I keep thinking how he would feel about trying to fit certain people in high office (and in journalism, ahem) being symptomatic of narcissistic personality disorder.

Fascinating, huh?

No, that’s not his real name. But he has a job where he can’t use that.

ANOTHER UPDATE: At the memorial, I spoke with Conservative Lesbian Cynthia Yockey who thought that it was lefty hostility aimed at Andrew that killed him. Perhaps Wright should have entertained that hypothesis too? You know, since we’re being all scientific and all? Cynthia also talked about how kind and generous Andrew was toward her, something missing from Wright’s crayon-and-brown-paper sketch. But then, as Wright admits, he didn’t know Andrew Breitbart.

MORE: See this update.

TEN YEARS AGO ON INSTAPUNDIT: I respond to a reader: “Oh, come on, Jon. Next you’ll be saying that there’s something odd about the Times printing page after page on Enron campaign donations without mentioning that Senator Fritz Hollings is bought and paid for by entertainment companies who want to take control of every American’s computer.”