Archive for 2012

21st CENTURY RELATIONSHIPS: I feel bad about messing up my husband’s relationship with his girlfriend.

Plus, from the comments: “Damn, these recent letters make me so sad/scared for society. Seriously crazy lately. Open marriages/relationships, all these crazy baby mamas, wanting to marry a sexual predator. Crazy! What is wrong with women today?!” What, indeed?

THOSE GREEDY CANADIANS: Costco shoppers want ‘American only’ hours. “If you’ve ever shopped at Costco on a weekend, you know it’s like an endurance sport, with tough parking, packed crowds and competitive lines for those mini-sausage samples. But Costco shoppers in Bellingham, Wash. have an additional challenge: Canadians. It seems that the store, 90 miles north of Seattle and near the border, attracts flocks of Canadians in search for cheaper American milk and gas. And that’s making some locals grouchy.”

PUNCHING BACK, twice as hard. Er, I didn’t actually originate that phrase, you know . . . .

IT’S NOT A FLYING CAR, BUT the flying hovercraft sounds kind of cool.

NOBAMA NEVADA: Another Tea Party initiative is sending volunteers from hopelessly-blue California to swing state Nevada.

HUMAN TOUCH: Chipotle resists tech automation at restaurants. “I hope the experience of coming into Chipotle and ordering on the line is substantially superior to ordering on the phone. There’s all this communication as you watch what’s being made.”

THEY CALL IT STORMY MONDAY, BUT TUESDAY’S JUST AS BAD. WEDNESDAY’S WORSE, AND THURSDAY’S ALSO SAD. Scientists Dispel Monday Myths. “We may say we hate Mondays, but research suggests Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays are equally loathed. US investigators who looked at a poll of 340,000 people found moods were no worse on Mondays than other working days, bar Friday.” Well, the eagle flies on Friday. Everybody knows that.

AN EARTH-SHATTERING KABOOM: What’s so super about super-volcanoes? “The largest known supereruption in the last 25 million years was caused by plates shifting in Lake Toba in Sumatra, Indonesia. This supervolcano erupted 74,000 years ago, ejecting 2800 cubic kilometers of volcanic debris—approximately the volume of Lake Ontario—and plunging the earth into a six-to-10-year volcanic winter. Scientists speculate that this supereruption may have whittled down the human population to a few tens of thousands.”

AN EPA DEFEAT: Federal Court: Obama’s EPA recognizes no legal limits. “In a 2-to-1 decision posted Tuesday, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia held that the EPA’s new Cross-State Air Pollution Rule, targeting the 28 states that generate the majority of the electricity in the United States, exceeded the agency’s legal authority.”

And, from the opinion: “EPA seems reluctant to acknowledge any textual limits on its authority under the good neighbor provision. At oral argument, EPA suggested that ‘reasonableness’ is the only limit on its authority to use cost-effectiveness to force down States’ emissions. EPA would not rule out the possibility that under the good neighbor provision, it could require a State to reduce more than the State’s total emissions that go out of State. But such a claim of authority does not square with the statutory text.”

IT’S PRETTY MUCH INDISTINGUISHABLE FROM JOE BIDEN’S: Amazingly Preserved Brain Discovered in 2,600-year-old Severed Head. “Found inside the skull of an unfortunate Iron Age man in his 30s who was hung, then decapitated with his head quickly ending up in the swampy pit, the ancient gray matter is still soft, ‘tofu-like in texture,’ and odorless, with no signs of bacterial or fungal activity.”

UPDATE: Reader Rachel Rudensky writes: “I must have a dirty mind, because I had to read the following post at least three times before I understood that the writer meant to say ‘hanged.’ . . . I literally wondered how they could tell from the fossil evidence.”

You know, I almost commented on that but I was afraid I’d sound pedantic. Little did I know that I’d wind up inflaming my female readers’ loins with Iron Age lust. . . .

WHAT COULD GO WRONG? Protests across China, Japanese Diplomatic Shake-up. “We should have no illusions about the strength and bitterness of the passions these issues evoke. Countries have gone to war for far less.”

THE ATLANTIC: Obama Should Be Careful With His Disdain. “It’s funny that the aide phrases it like that, because the ‘you’re no war hero’ line is how McCain expressed his contempt for Obama in 2008. McCain hadn’t thought very highly of Obama for a couple years before they ran against each other, and it showed on the campaign trail and in debates. That attitude did not serve McCain well.”

NOBODY’S HUNGRY IN CAPITAL CITY: Lawmakers Rack Up Hefty Bills Wining and Dining Donors. “From established Capitol Hill haunts such as Charlie Palmer Steak, Johnny’s Half Shell and Bistro Bis to newer locales including Chinatown’s Hill Country Barbecue and Cava Mezze at Barracks Row, House Members are injecting hefty sums into Washington, D.C.’s restaurant industry as they wine and dine donors.”