Archive for 2012

MARKETWATCH: How The Tea Party Beat Occupy Wall Street. “Whatever your opinion of either movement, there’s no denying that the tea party is more focused and influential. You don’t see but a handful of candidates such as Elizabeth Warren in Massachusetts and Bernie Sanders in Vermont, pandering to Occupy Wall Street.”

Actually, I think the problem is that Occupy Wall Street beat itself. The Tea Party has, quite consciously, stuck to its small-government/fiscal responsibility message and hasn’t gotten lured into lots of side issues. And it has been relentlessly bourgeois, orderly, and neat, leaving the sites of its protests famously cleaner than when the protesters arrived. OWS, on the other hand, presented a grab-bag of issues ranging from the sensible — get rid of “too big to fail” — to the idiotic. Then there were all the rapes, thefts, killings, and sanitation issues . . .

Some related thoughts here.

REUTERS: Janet Napolitano Accused of Sexual Harassment.

Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano has been accused of sexual harassment and discrimination against male employees.

In the complaint, Napolitano is accused of turning her female-run department into a “frat house” where male staffers were routinely humiliated, reports Forbes.

Along with the culture against men, Napolitano is also accused of providing unequal opportunities for men and women, promoting women to the highest positions while equally qualified men were bypassed. The lawsuit against Janet Napolitano serves as a stark reminder for employers that discrimination goes both ways, and that you have to be on the lookout for much more than men harassing women.

The complaint against Napolitano is instructive to employers as it not only involves a role reversal of men suing women, but also includes both complaints of verbal sexual harassment and discriminatory treatment. . . . In Napolitano’s case, a female manager in the Department allegedly screamed at male employees and used sexually humiliating language against them; including, telling one male worker that she wanted his “c-k in the back of [her] throat,” reports Forbes. If true, it’s pretty clear such language could constitute illegal harassment.

Read the whole thing. Is there a “culture of sexism” in the Obama Administration? Or is it just a culture of abusing power?

A QUESTION FROM READER FRANK GLAMSER: “Have you noticed that the MSM are not talking about the high gas prices? When Bush was in they beat the gas price disaster drum daily.”

Why, yes, yes I have.

THE UNSETTLING FEELING of knowing that your law school dean is reading Brian Tamanaha’s book.

Plus, Tamanaha responds. “I believe every law school (from Thomas Jefferson to Harvard, to SLU and Wash. U.) should carefully examine tuition, debt, and the allocation of resources, and every faculty should strive to find ways to operate in a more cost efficient fashion. If that’s ‘Tamanaha’s revenge,’ then I’m guilty as charged, and legal educators across the country can throw darts at me.”

BECAUSE IT’S TUESDAY MORNING, I guess it’s time to run that graphic again! You know, the one comparing the Obama Administration’s stimulus promises with what was actually delivered. . . .

But then, it’s always time to do that! And you can click on the image for a bigger version, suitable for sharing, posting by the water cooler at work, or whatever . . . .

INVESTOR’S BUSINESS DAILY: Crony Socialism Is Still With Us.

It didn’t take long after President Obama was elected in 2008 for the first signs of crony capitalism to emerge. And as time’s gone by, conditions haven’t improved. If anything, the problem is growing worse.

This much is clear: Democrats who controlled Congress and the White House used the $700 billion TARP program and the $860 billion stimulus as a giant ATM to pay back favored constituencies, at the expense of the rest of us.

We thought the problem, once observed, would disappear. After all, who would want his or her name associated with something as disreputable as crony capitalism?

And yet, it hasn’t gone away. In recent weeks, more revelations show just how corrupt our now-permanent “stimulus” culture is.

Read the whole thing.

NEWS YOU CAN USE: Porn group wants filming halt during syphilis probe. “A pornography trade group is calling for a nationwide filming moratorium while officials in Los Angeles investigate a syphilis outbreak and performers get tested for the disease. Free Speech Coalition spokeswoman Joanne Cachapero said Monday that one performer has tested positive for and the performer’s sexual partners are being notified. The Los Angeles County Public Health Department announced an investigation into at least five possible cases the sexually transmitted disease last week.”

What’s news is how seldom this sort of thing happens.

SHOCKER: Study: Red states more charitable. “The eight states whose residents gave the highest share of their income — Utah, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, South Carolina, Idaho, Arkansas and Georgia — all backed McCain in 2008. Utah leads charitable giving, with 10.6 percent of income given. And the least generous states — Wisconsin, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont, Maine and New Hampshire — were Obama supporters in the last presidential race.”


BIGGEST NEWS STORY OF THE DAY? Romney grows cash advantage on Obama. “Mitt Romney extended his cash edge over President Obama in July and entered the final three-plus months of the campaign with about 50 percent more in the bank than the incumbent president.”

Meanwhile, Obama — campaigning as he governs — continues to spend more than he’s taking in.

“SMART DIPLOMACY:” Who Lost Egypt?

THIS SEEMS WORSE THAN TODD AKIN’S REMARKS: Democratic lawmaker called on to resign for having oral sex with boy. “After police revealed that a Minnesota lawmaker had a sexual encounter with a 17-year-old boy, both Republicans and Democrats have banded together to ask Representative Kerry Gauthier not to seek re-election. Representative Gauthier had been hospitalized in the wake of the scandal, denying any and all interview requests.”