Archive for 2012

OR YOU CAN JUST GET A GUN: Urban Alarm Backpack. “The Urban Crew bag from iSafe is a backpack with an alarm system built in. When you get into trouble, just trip the alarm by tugging on the grenade-like pin hidden in the left shoulder strap. The pair of 125-decibel sirens will fire off their piercing tones and a set of flashing strobes will stun and annoy anyone close to you.”

Or you could just buy a gun.

CHARLOTTE HAYS: Class Warfare: The New Bigotry.

One of the most disheartening aspects of the current presidential campaign season has been President Obama’s relentless class warfare strategy.

You could hear the president’s contempt for those who have been successful in his “you didn’t build that” speech.

There is something else disturbing: the president’s class warfare rhetoric seems to imply that the rich have somehow stolen from the rest of us. If they weren’t so rich, we would be better off. It should not come as a surprise that this reflects a gross misunderstanding of how capitalism works.

Well, where would he have learned anything about how capitalism works. Also, it fits his general tendency toward demonizing opponents.


President Obama, during the taping of The Daily Show, discussed the Benghazi terrorist attack that claimed the lives of the U.S. Ambassador to Libya and three other Americans.

“Here’s what I’ll say. When four Americans get killed, it’s not optimal. We’re going to fix it,” Obama said per pool. “The government is a big operation and [at] any given time something screws up,” he also said, saying that he believes “you find out what’s broken and you fix it.”

Drudge links a flashback to Obama calling their deaths “bumps in the road,” and it also brings to mind his equally cold-hearted phrase that America could “absorb” another 9/11-sized attack.

Not to mention, coming so quickly after another feckless debate performance, the cold and aloof technocratic tone of Michael Dukakis.

JEWS LOSING FAITH IN OBAMA? “The signs and portents are everywhere, beginning with the special election of a Republican in Anthony Weiner’s heavily Jewish, New York congressional district one year ago. Now a startling new poll even has Romney performing the ultimate miracle: the parting of the blue states, winning the Jewish vote by a healthy 44% to 40%!”

We’ve already seen that blacks aren’t as enthusiastic as in 2008. And then there’s this: Three Reasons Why Obama Is Losing The Women’s Vote. Plus, a fourth explanation from the “Pickup Artist” community.

OBAMACARE FUN FACT #5:  SMOKE & MIRRORS:  Section 8002 of Obamacare created the CLASS (Community Living Assistance Services & Supports) Program.  CLASS was supposed to be a government-sponsored, voluntary long-term care insurance program funded via payroll deductions (with subsidies for low-income enrollees).  Enrollees were required to pay into the CLASS insurance for 5 years– a “vesting” period– before they could draw any benefits.

Because of its long vesting period (during which time premiums were collected but benefits not paid out), CLASS was scored as “saving” taxpayers $80 billion– which was more than half of Obamacare’s supposed $143 billion in budgetary “savings.”

Guess what?  In October 2011, the Obama Administration admitted what most smart folks had known all along:  That the CLASS program was fiscally unsustainable and unworkable.  Only sick people with expensive long-term care needs wanted to enroll and pay its hefty premiums.  HHS Secretary Sebelius admitted, ““Despite our best analytical efforts, I do not see a viable path forward for CLASS implementation at this time.”

Epic fail.

JIM GERAGHTY: Scary Campfire Stories of the ‘Preference Cascade’ That Haunts Campaigns.

By the way, I’ve seen some bloggers crediting me for the “Preference Cascade” notion, but I just wrote a couple of columns about it. It comes from Timur Kuran’s Private Truths, Public Lies: The Social Consequences of Preference Falsification, a book I highly recommend.

UPDATE: While I’m plugging, let me also put in a word for James Scott’s Seeing Like A State: How Certain Schemes to Improve the Human Condition Have Failed. Obama would be doing a lot better if he’d read this book. Well, I recommended it to him. But although he reportedly reads blogs, I’m afraid he doesn’t read the ones that could help him. . .

TIDAL WAVE:  THE TENNESSEAN ENDORSES ROMNEY:  For those of you unfamiliar with the Nashville-based paper, it is the former employer of Al Gore, and a steadfast liberal paper.  Its editorial board today formally endorsed Mitt Romney for President, concluding:

The next president must be the one with the best chance to get the crushing, $16 trillion national debt under control, coupled with the more immediate need of enabling a vibrant job market.

It is because the economy is paramount that The Tennessean endorses Gov. Mitt Romney for president.

The editors conclude with advice to Romney, “Be the man who governed Massachusetts, and you’ll reunite America.”

Kudos to the Tennesseean for putting country above party.

A “SOCIAL JUSTICE THINKER” OR PUSHER– YOU DECIDE:  A doctor in Georgia who describes himself as a “social justice thinker” has taken it upon himself to prescribe high-powered ADHD drugs such  as Adderall to low-income children– who don’t actually have ADHD–to help boost their academic performance.  The Atlanta-area doctor, Dr. Michael Anderson, says “I don’t have a whole lot of choice. We’ve decided as a society that it’s too expensive to modify the kid’s environment. So we have to modify the kid.”

Yet another example of “social justice gone wild.”  Eugenics, anyone?

A REMINDER: Andrew Marcus’s documentary, Hating Breitbart, opens in theaters this weekend. If there’s any justice it will do as well as Dinesh D’Souza’s 2016. I saw a screening in LA last week and it’s terrific. It makes it feel as if Andrew is still alive.

There’s a trailer at the link above. Here’s the list of theaters for its limited opening. Ask your local theaters to feature it!

BOB KRUMM: Did The VP Debate Start A Trend? “I don’t know where the race really stands: whether it’s Obama up by a couple or Romney up by a few. But what I do know is that no matter where we started, an 11 or 12 point swing is a rout. Finally, if the change holds, what could have caused it? Given the timing I would guess that it was the Vice Presidential debate last Thursday night.”

MICHAEL BARONE: Firewall In Ruins? Don’t get cocky, kid. It all depends on who shows up.