Archive for 2011


A TEA PARTY PLATFORM for space. “It’s time to return NASA to its roots as an R&D agency instead of serving as a slush fund for a few influential members of congress. This platform provides that plan.”

Rand Simberg comments: “I still don’t think that space is likely to be a big election issue, but I hope that to the degree it is, Republicans are paying attention to this.”

CNN POLL: Plurality Of Americans Call Obama’s Presidency A Failure So Far.

UPDATE: Ack! This poll is from last year. Somebody — who I assume didn’t notice the date — sent it to me and I didn’t notice the date either. Hmm. Think he’d poll better today? Upside — he killed Osama bin Laden! Er, and after that, what, exactly? Thanks to the many readers who swiftly pointed out the error.

ANOTHER UPDATE: Michael Lotus emails: “Measured in seconds, how many orders of magnitude is your speed of retraction of errors better than the New York Times? So much for those wild, irresponsible bloggers.” Well, I fix ’em as soon as I notice ’em, which given the number of watchful readers emailing is usually pretty fast. I don’t know how the NYT does it. My eight-year wait for a correction is surely longer than average.

MORE: Reader Tom McCobb emails: “The interesting question on that old poll you linked to is, Why haven’t they re-polled it? It has been a year and a half, after all. Is CNN afraid of the results?” I dunno — maybe they have and I missed it. Anybody know?

JOHN BAKER on Medical Malpractice And Fair Weather Federalism. “House Republicans hope to nationalize medical malpractice law, which is traditionally a matter of state tort law, by passing H.R. 5, a bill that would wipe out all state medical malpractice laws and complete the nationalization of healthcare. Passage of H.R. 5 would undercut arguments that Obamacare is unconstitutional. To justify their efforts to nationalize medical malpractice law, House Republicans are stretching the Supreme Court’s New Deal Commerce Clause jurisprudence almost as far as Democrats did for Obamacare. Both national medical malpractice reform and Obamacare are radically at odds with our constitutional structure of federalism, though Obamacare is especially radical because it represents the first time that the federal government has required people to purchase a product (health insurance).”

POSTAL SERVICE DEATH SPIRAL? Lawmakers say USPS cost-cutting plan is insufficient. Judging by my mailbox, it’s mostly become a subsidized delivery service for junk mail. But note this: “In its latest bid to shave costs, the Postal Service has said it will stop contributing to the Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS), a move it says will save roughly $800 million this fiscal year.”

MICHAEL WALSH: The King’s Speech: “So now we know: After 10 years, billions of dollars and thousands of American casualties, victory in Afghanistan come 2014 will consist of having killed Osama bin Laden in Pakistan. The rest is process, as we wind down our foreign wars and get on with the really important work — domestic infrastructure repair and clean energy.”

INSTAVISION: I talk with Nick Gillespie and Matt Welch of Reason, the authors of The Declaration of Independents, about the importance of independent voters. Can libertarians really fix America? (Bumped).

SHOCKER: U.S. Jobless Claims Rise Unexpectedly. Again!

Plus this: “The previous week’s figure was revised up to 420K from 414K.” Meaning that last week’s “good news” — a slight drop — was essentially bogus. More here, including this: “A Labor Department official said technical problems had resulted in claims for six states being estimated last week.”

TAXES ARE FOR THE LITTLE PEOPLE: Personal financial woes on file for Cook County recorder. “The Cook County politician in charge of keeping records of federal income tax liens and mortgage foreclosure notifications now finds himself slapped with both. Recorder of Deeds Eugene ‘Gene’ Moore faces a lien for nearly $78,000 in unpaid income taxes. And a bank is seeking to foreclose on his Maywood home because he has fallen behind on mortgage payments.”

It’s the Chicago way!