Archive for 2011

GALLUP: Self-Reported Gun Ownership Rises Especially Among Women Democrats.

All is proceeding as I have foreseen.

UPDATE: Reader Chris Christopher emails:

A clip from your November 04, 2001 article seems eerily relevant to today:

Even lamer was the claim that the Sept. 11 attacks were an argument for closing the (nonexistent) “gun show loophole.” This claim, made first in a Brady Campaign press release and then in a suspiciously similar op-ed bearing the byline of former Clinton Administration official Eric Holder, just plain flopped. Nobody could be persuaded that Usama bin Laden’s boys would have trouble laying their hands on an AK-47, regardless of what rules govern gun shows.

Eric Holder: the gift that keeps on giving.

He’s pretty consistently been a tool, yeah.


Remarkable progress in biology. So much has followed the revelation achieved by Watson and Crick.

My last night in Cambridge, I spent the early evening drinking a couple pints in The Eagle. The Eagle is the pub in which Watson and Crick hung out after hours from their work in nearby Cavendish Laboratory and where they made the announcement, commemorated by plaques within and without, of their discovery of the structure of DNA. So I’m sitting alone at a table, soaking in the ambiance and my pint, and overhear an animated discussion of genetics at the next table. I look over and am surprised…Well, see for yourself. A rather nice end to my visit here.



P.S. Confirmation came when I decided that this called for a second pint . While at the bar refilling, the young man who you cannot see in the picture sent blocked as he is by the two gents in the right foreground stood next to me and asked the pint puller if Watson got free drinks. I chuckled at that. We spoke and I learned that Watson had given a talk and was spending time with hosts in his old haunt.

P.P.S Taken without flash using a Canon S90.

Very nice. Here’s the pic. See, this is why you should always have a camera with you!


I had to be up early this morning to appear on Fox & Friends. I was finished by 6:30, so I decided to stop by the Occupy DC encampment at McPherson Square in downtown Washington. Conditions were miserable; 40 degrees, dark, windy, muddy, steady rain. The weather, predicted to deteriorate even more later, was enough to test the resolve of the most dedicated anti-capitalist.

The small park is filled with tents. At times there have seemed more tents than protesters, and indeed, a friend who has kept a close eye on Occupy DC suggested to me that many of the tents — which convey the impression of a substantial, permanent protest — are actually unoccupied. That’s hard to prove, short of barging into randomly-selected tents. But even among the tents that are in use — and I saw a total of four early-risers in the park Saturday morning — there is the question of how many Occupy DC protesters are actually homeless people who have come to McPherson Square for shelter, a hot meal, and companionship. . . . On Saturday morning, I met a man who said he was an artist and told me that “the world’s f—ed up” in large part because “Bush took all the money and gave it to the Chinese to pay for the war.” After a while, he told me that he normally lived at a couple of “squats” in other parts of town but that he had met some people from Code Pink who told him they had a tent in McPherson Square. So he came to the park. He’s certainly not alone — there are plenty of other homeless there, he told me — but it’s hard to say how many homeless are part of the permanent Occupy DC contingent.

In London, the Daily Mail used heat-imaging to find that 90% of the tents at Occupy London were left empty at night.

UPDATE: First link was wrong — fixed now. Sorry!


BOSTON COMMUTER RAIL USERS SAY OCCUPY IS HOGGING THE TOILETS: “Commuters and merchants in South Station say they are fed up with Occupy Boston squatters who are hogging electrical outlets and taking sponge baths in bathroom sinks, turning the bustling terminal into a unsanitary locker room.”

ASTEROID 21 LUTETIA: A mini-planet. “Europe’s comet-bound Rosetta probe flew by Lutetia last year and gave scientists a big surprise. With its dense body and an interior that seems to have survived intact, the large asteroid appears more like a protoplanet — a leftover building block from the formation of the solar system.”

SOMETHING THAT CAN’T GO ON FOREVER, WON’T: Americans’ Incomes Flat, Spending Up. Yeah, the returns on savings are — by design — nonexistent, but I don’t think we’ll get an economic recovery this way. Just call me one of these critics: “Critics say the Fed is punishing those who play by the rules — those careful enough to set aside money for savings or people who built up a nest egg and are living on fixed incomes that depend on interest.”

I repeat — if this were a Republican administration, the press would be full of sob-story reporting about senior citizens eating dog food because their CD rates are so low.

TRADERS TALK BACK to OccupyChicago. “Go ahead and continue to take us down, but you’re only going to hurt yourselves. What’s going to happen when we can’t find jobs on the Street anymore? Guess what: We’re going to take yours. We get up at 5am & work until 10pm or later. We’re used to not getting up to pee when we have a position. We don’t take an hour or more for a lunch break. We don’t demand a union. We don’t retire at 50 with a pension. We eat what we kill, and when the only thing left to eat is on your dinner plates, we’ll eat that.”

Ha! Joke’s on you, dudes — the Occupy folks don’t have jobs.

UPDATE: Apparently, this is the original source.

BILL BENNETT not making inroads into the Pickup Artist community. “So, a sincere plea to Bennett and his ilk: Get your heads out of the sand. You can start by repeating the following to yourself every morning in the mirror: What’s wrong with men? Nothing that isn’t also wrong with women. . . . Men don’t avoid marriage and family because they have a ‘maturity deficit’. They rationally avoid marriage and family because, as the institutions are currently constituted, they are a raw deal for men. . . . If conservatives are serious about restoring a traditional concept of manhood to the modern man, I have a few suggestions for them.”

SO MICHAEL WALSH JUST CAME OUT OF HEART SURGERY AT CEDARS SINAI, and when I asked if there was anything I could do for him, he said to plug his new novel, Shock Warning. How could I say no? (Bumped).