Archive for 2010

DISASTER PREPAREDNESS: Is The United States Ready for the Next Big Quake? In a word, no. Lots of disaster-preparedness resources here, plus danger for the midwest. Also, some disaster preparedness lessons from Haiti.

Related: List: Survival Essentials.

UPDATE: Chuck Simmins writes:

Disaster planners overlook some of the dangers of the New Madrid fault that would endanger the entire northeast and probably the entire eastern seaboard.

What happens to all the oil and gas pipelines that cross the Mississippi in the probably quake zone? What happens to the major electrical power lines?

Imagine the Northeast without natural gas and the electrical grid down due to the loss of the high tension power lines. Imagine that in January.

I’d rather not.

WHEN THE OIL WAS LEAKING IT WAS ALL BP’S FAULT, but now that it’s capped Obama steps in to take credit.

ANIMAL AUTOPSIES IN GULF yield a mystery. “The vast majority of the dead animals that have been found — 1,866 birds, 463 turtles, 59 dolphins and one sperm whale — show no visible signs of oil contamination.”

UPDATE: Reader Greg Marquez writes: “With respect to the animal autopsies yielding no signs of oil contamination… further evidence for your theory that the oil is just a cover for aliens.” By Jove, he’s right! Wake up, sheeple!

PRESIDENT OBAMA’S jobs problem.


ROBOT vs. Lobster.

VERONIQUE DE RUGY: When Debt Flies Off The Charts. “Under one realistic future scenario, the nation’s debt becomes so large that Congressional Budget Office models break down.”

FORBES: “The Dodd-Frank bill does nothing to deal with Wall Street’s central problem: systemic non-disclosure. . . . Dodd-Frank is a full-employment act for regulators that addresses everything but the root causes of the financial collapse.”

OH, GOODY: Fiscal Crisis: Visions of the Japanese Nightmare. “Is American headed for a Japanese-style lost decade? Possibly, if Washington can’t get its act together. Needed: post-partisan leaders with the guts to do the right thing.”