Archive for 2010

DAN RIEHL: Does the Tea Party Movement Need A Federation? “In my opinion, the existing loosely-conglomerated, somewhat state-wide model that looks to have created itself is doing well and could easily lose more than it gains by forming into somefederation. . . . Given the state of communications today, I’m not nearly as afraid as some seem to be of the group not having a significant political impact because it isn’t somehow more organized. And given the potential pitfalls such an organization brings with it, no matter how well intentioned the effort, I’m simply not sold on the need for a federation.” I’m inclined to agree.

MICHAEL SILENCE: Is Obama Palin’s Press Secretary? “Why did he even respond? He just put the story on the nightly news networks. Oh, well. I guess they really do know how to fish in Alaska.”

ANDREW KLAVAN on Talking Crap.

BUSINESS WEEK: Cuomo Blamed For Mortgage Crisis. “Republican candidate for New York governor Carl Paladino on Tuesday blamed Democrat Andrew Cuomo and his policies as President Clinton’s housing secretary for the sub-prime mortgage crisis that helped trigger the recession. The millionaire Buffalo developer said Cuomo initiated policies that helped poor people qualify for adjustable rate mortgages they didn’t understand and couldn’t afford once rates rose.” This campaign should be interesting.

PETER SUDERMAN: Chaos In The Massachusetts Health Care Market. “Want a preview of ObamaCare in action? Check out the Massachusetts insurance market—which earlier this week entered a state of ‘market chaos’ after Governor Deval Patrick denied a host of health insurance rate increases.”

GAS PRICES UP, could hit $4/gallon. Some worry that it will kill the recovery, but I say look on the bright side: If it does, it’ll reduce global carbon emissions!

RICK MORAN reports from New Orleans. “The combativeness of attendees and speakers at the Southern Republican Leadership Conference bodes ill for Democrats in 2010.” Plus, a correction for the folks at Politico.

WHEN CONGRESSMEN GO WILD: Alan Grayson Interrupts Republican District Meeting. “On Thursday, April 8th, 2010, Congressman Alan Grayson, Democrat in Florida’s 8th district, interrupted a district meeting of the local Orange County Republican Executive Committee. The meeting was being held at Perkins, a family restaurant.”