Archive for 2010

LIMITING LEGISLATIVE LOGROLLING the Tennessee way. I’ve mentioned this approach before — called the truth in legislation amendment. I don’t think a copy of that proposal is online for free anywhere (it’s on pay sites), but I’m going to see what I can do about fixing that.

PROFESSOR BAINBRIDGE on faint hopes for a “liberaltarian” revival. “The math is simple. Public sector unions love big government. The Democrats need public union support. Hence, as long as the Democrats remain in thrall to the public sector unions (and, for that matter, lawyers), they will be the party of big government. It’s a matter of simple rational actor political economics.” This was obvious all along, but some were sucked in anyway.

DAVE KOPEL: Judge Diane Wood on the Second Amendment. “Judge Wood chose to preemptively rule on the constitutionality of gun registration. Her ruling was bereft of the analysis that is necessary for judicial analysis of restrictions on any enumerated right. It is safe to say that Judge Wood has ample legal skills to conduct carefully-reasoned legal analysis when she chooses to do so. Accordingly, it is plausible to infer from her unreasoned opinion a disregard for Second Amendment rights.”

Plus, Merrick Garland’s disregard for gun owners’ rights: “Details here, regarding the 2000 case NRA v. Reno, and Judge Garland’s refusal to require the Clinton Department of Justice to obey the federal statute requiring the destruction of records of firearms purchases by law-abiding Americans. The decision also suggests a cavalier disregard for privacy rights in general, such as the right not to be put on a government list simply because one engaged in a lawful activity.”

SO IS THIS HOPE, OR CHANGE? Judge tells residents to “Arm themselves.”

Ashtabula County Common Pleas Judge Alfred Mackey was asked what residents should do to protect themselves and their families with the severe cutback in law enforcement.

“Arm themselves,” the judge said. “Be very careful, be vigilant, get in touch with your neighbors, because we’re going to have to look after each other.”

Ashtabula County gun dealers and firearms instructors tell WKYC their business has really picked up since the Sheriff’s Department cutbacks began some months ago.

Reader Fred Ray emails: “This was one of things that happened during the Argentine collapse — governments ran out of money and couldn’t pay the cops, leaving the citizens to the mercy of the criminals. Buy lots of ammo…” Well, we’re not Argentina yet.

DAWN JOHNSEN WITHDRAWS HER NAME. I predict that the next nominee will be no more to conservatives’ liking, but will have less of a track record, and less concern with reputation, so I score this as, at best, a Pyrrhic victory — which is why I argued against the block-Johnsen campaign.

UPDATE: Reader Mike Behrens says that I’m wrong:

There was no way for the Republicans to block this. Obama had a filibuster-proof Senate for a long time and a Senate Committee supermajority and yet Johnsen wasn’t confirmed. Why is that? Perhaps, because he is following Bush’s counterterrorism strategy and Johnsen’s appointment, given her views on how terrorism should be handled, gave him second thoughts on whether he wanted her there overlooking things. Everything has an expiration date and a place under the bus is reserved in advance for all things.

Hmm. Good point.

IN MICHIGAN, political arson? “I think the idea of committing arson in order to get federal stimulus money for government jobs is about as perverted as it is possible to get. It’s the sort of thing we traditionally associate with kleptocracies, and I am sorry to see it happening in the United States. And I think what’s worse than the fact that it happened is that it isn’t being widely reported.”

UPDATE: Some background.

THE JOYS OF DEEP-FRIED GREEN BEANS. And they must be healthy, because they’re vegetables!

POLISH PRESIDENT killed in plane crash.

UPDATE: Some people are suspicious. Nonsense. With Vladimir Putin taking personal charge of the investigation, the truth is certain to come out.


JUST GOT BACK from the Tennessee Law Review banquet, where Attorney General Bob Cooper gave an excellent speech on the Tennessee Constitution. I think Tennessee’s unique system, in which the Attorney General is appointed by the state Supreme Court, has a lot to recommend it — we tend to get real lawyers, instead of political hacks or showboats running for higher office.

A BUNCH OF cool minitools. Mini cool tools?