Archive for 2010




WASTED TIME ONLINE WITH AT&T DSL HELP THIS MORNING, problem didn’t get fixed. Now online again, being told that they’re experiencing “unusually heavy call volume.” Er, maybe because they didn’t fix the problem?

UPDATE: An hour on the phone and I’m told that the problem is at their end, but they can’t do anything because “the engineering department is closed.” So I should call back tomorrow. Jeez. Any recommendations as to a new Internet provider? My choices are basically Comcast, Knology, TDS Telecom, and I’m not sure who else.

ANOTHER UPDATE: How am I blogging now? Backup wireless broadband. It’s not that easy to keep me off the Internet!

IN THE MAIL: From David Williams, The Machinery of Light, the third in his Autumn Rain trilogy.

IF YOU MISSED IT ON SIRIUS/XM SATELLITE RADIO, the latest PJM Political is now online. With an exclusive interview with Senate Candidate Mickey Kaus!

MICHAEL BARONE: Oil slick, joblessness may stymie Dems’ rebound. “The Democrats’ stimulus package kept many unionized public employees on the job. But, as liberal economists Paul Krugman and Robert Reich have pointed out, it has not done much to stimulate private-sector job creation. Maybe the contrary. We may be seeing something like the ‘capital strike’ of the late 1930s, when investors and entrepreneurs held onto their money and refrained from creating jobs because of high tax rates and intrusive government. Meanwhile, the Obama Democrats’ legislative agenda threatens recovery.”

SO IS THIS THE HOPE, OR THE CHANGE? Disturbing Job Ads: ‘The Unemployed Will Not Be Considered.’ “Still waiting for a response to the 300 resumés you sent out last month? Bad news: Some companies are ignoring all unemployed applicants.”

So does this open an economic niche for people who provide fake jobs for unemployed applicants?