ONE DAY ONLY SALE: Harry Potter films 1-6 on Blu-Ray or DVD.
Archive for 2010
November 23, 2010
HEADLINE OF THE DAY: Smart Diplomacy Meets Fake Taliban. The country’s in the very best of hands!
FORMER PAJAMAS MEDIA D.C. EDITOR Jennifer Rubin is joining The Washington Post.
CROTCH-GROPING IS FOR THE LITTLE PEOPLE: TSA: Some gov’t officials to skip airport security. “Cabinet secretaries, top congressional leaders and an exclusive group of senior U.S. officials are exempt from toughened new airport screening procedures when they fly commercially with government-approved federal security details.” Yeah, that’ll go over well.
UPDATE: Giving the TSA’s side. Yeah, I understood this — but it still looks bad.
THOUGHTS ON Stalin and genocide.
24 HOURS aboard the U.S.S. Ronald Reagan.
FAT. WHAT IS IT GOOD FOR? Stem cells, it turns out.
THE SPECULIST: When The Machines Take Over. “It sounds shocking: we turn some activities over to the machines altogether; others we swap off with them, back and forth. Actually, there’s nothing shocking about that. This is exactly the world we live in now. I let a computer take over most of the heavy lifting involved in an archaic process called ‘balancing my checkbook’ years ago. A closely related task, paying bills, is one I swap off with the computer.”
A MAN’S WORLD, AND WELCOME TO IT: Work Stress Raises Women’s Heart Risk, Study Says.
HOMEOWNERS ALIVE, home invader dead. “When officers arrived they found Joshua Dexter Watson, 24, of Knoxville dead from multiple wounds administered by a .357-caliber revolver belonging to the homeowners, DeBusk said. . . . Watson has a criminal history that began even before his 18th birthday, records show. He was facing a charge of aggravated robbery in 2004 before he turned 18. After that, Watson racked up dozens of charges, including drug possession, theft, evading arrest, reckless driving and violation of probation for the aggravated robbery conviction, records show.”
THEY TOLD ME IF I VOTED FOR JOHN MCCAIN, THE COUNTRY WOULD BE TAKEN OVER BY NARROW-MINDED RELIGIOUS FANATICS. And they were right! Sally Quinn — who says “Dancing is my religion” — denounces Bristol Palin’s success on “Dancing with the Stars” as “unholy.”
UPDATE: Reader Paul Jackson writes: “Sorry, but I had to laugh at Sally Quinn………..6 phone lines but no DVR? Gee Sally if you had a DVR you wouldn’t have to adjust your busy busy social calendar around a TV show. Get in the 21st century by gosh!!”
THE BURSTING OF the “green energy” bubble.
HOW TO DEEP-FRY A TURKEY. Unless you’re using one of those newfangled electric turkey-fryers, anyway.
ER, WHAT “GALLONS” ARE WE TALKING ABOUT HERE? Nissan Leaf snags 99 mpg rating on official EPA sticker. Okay, it’s “MPG equivalent.” But still . . . .
UPDATE: Charlie Martin emails: “What do you bet the program that prints those window stickers can only print two digits?”
MICHAEL YON: A moment of peace.
MORE ON the Stanford ROTC controversy.
BREAD-MACHINE BLEG: Reader J.R. Ott writes: “The Chief Domestic Scientist, Barbara, has announced that she wants a bread machine. Have you done stories on or recommend any that are in the affordable range?”
I’ve never owned a bread machine — Helen is afraid that if I bought one, she’d wind up eating lots of bread, probably with butter — but do any readers out there have suggestions?
EVAN SIEGFRIED: Pay Cuts Aren’t Enough: Time to Lay Off Federal Workers.
FRENCH PROFESSORS find academic life in the U.S. hard to resist. Is this a sign of a higher education bubble?