Archive for 2010

WHEN YOU’VE LOST Mad Magazine . . . .

SHOCKER: Investors Trust Blogs More Than they Trust Their Brokers. Two thoughts: (1) If you saw my 401(k) you’d know better than to take my advice on the markets; and (2) This is probably mostly a reflection of how little people trust brokers, rather than how much they trust bloggers. . . .

LOOKING AT wealth and longevity: “History teaches us that the wealth of a region and the longevity of its inhabitants go hand in hand. The societal and economic changes wrought across the 17th century in England, for example, show us that increased longevity leads to increased wealth, through more foresighted allocation of capital resources and the compounded effect of small gains, year after year. The converse is also true: increased wealth leads to increased longevity, a fact well illustrated by the passage of many Asian countries from undeveloped to developed in a short span of decades.”


SHIKHA DALMIA on non-violent resistance to ObamaCare. “President Barack Obama came into office promising hope and change. But he might get more change than he hoped for. By foisting ObamaCare on a deeply unwilling country he might have set the stage for the largest civil disobedience movement since the civil rights era, which, if it plays its cards right, could undo his legislation and his legacy. . . . By some estimates, Uncle Sam will need to hire an additional 17,000 IRS agents or so just to enforce the coverage mandate. But even if a few million Americans simultaneously refuse to abide by it, they could easily overwhelm the system. Self-rule or swaraj, Gandhi said, requires a collective understanding of the immense capacity of citizens to ‘regulate and control’ the coercive apparatus of the state through mass nonviolent resistance.”

THE SLOW RISE OF THE robot surgeon.

99 BUCKS IS PRETTY CHEAP: A one-day sale on the Creative Labs Vado pocket video camera. Perfect for creating a video record of what really happened at various events . . . .

UPDATE: Reader Ike Andrews writes:

A timely link (at least for me) re the Vado video camera. I just got in from a business trip last night and was quickly scanning emails at home this morning when I saw what looked like an announcement for an upcoming tea party rally here in Spokane. I’ve been concerned about the unfair media portrayals based on selectively edited video footage or just flight-out shoddy reporting and thought about your comment some time back to be “armed” as it were with our own video capabilities to counterattack such defamatory tactics. The next thing I thought was, “Wow, need to get a small video camera and attend the rally to help out.” Then, bingo! I open up InstaPundit for the first time today and there it is! I purchased it faster than the time it takes to brew a cup of tea.

Thanks for the link!

Yep. I thought it was good timing too. (Bumped.)

SETTING SOME RULES FOR geoengineering. Having participated in one of these exercises myself, I think this is worthwhile, but of course there’s no guarantee anyone else will follow.

THE TEA PARTY MOVEMENT: More women than men. That doesn’t surprise me at all.

UPDATE: From the comments: “This will change once it gets out that Tea Parties are a good place to meet women…”

READING THE HEALTHCARE BILL: A Tampon Tax? That’s going to make selling the bill “aggressively” a little tougher. Plus, from the comments: “Actually, tribbles are a pretty good metaphor for federal entitlements, aren’t they?”

UPDATE: Oops: Dems forgot to cover preexisting conditions for children.

ANOTHER UPDATE: Reader Clare Toohey emails: “How is being a woman ‘no longer a pre-existing condition’ if our monthlies need treatment with a ‘medical device?'” You’ll have to address those questions to the White House. But maybe this explains why the Tea Party is majority-female. . . .

MORE: How Many Employers Will Stop Providing Health Insurance?

FINALLY: Reader Andrew Bunger writes: “This law is a big turd sandwich. Arguing that a few raisins managed to make it through the Congressional intestinal tract doesn’t make us any happier about having to eat it.”

THE HILL: TARP watchdog blasts Obama housing program. “Neil Barofsky, the special inspector general over the $700 billion financial rescue package, slammed the administration’s housing program for having ill-defined metrics and for helping far fewer homeowners than originally proposed.” I’m sure that healthcare will be completely different . . . .