Archive for 2009

YEAH, THAT’S “GRASSROOTS” ALL RIGHT: A Joe Biden speech! “Biden’s event won’t be quite like a town-hall: a limited number of general-public tickets were given out yesterday, and Biden won’t take questions. . . . The Democratic National Committee also launched a word-of-mouth campaign today against the raucous town-hall goers: it blasted out the following talking points about the ‘organized mobs’ via email, asking supporters to pass them along to friends and family.”

Nice to see ’em standing up against “astroturf” with genuine DNC talking points!

HULA HOOP DREAMS: With Grace Jones video.

JONAH GOLDBERG: Birthers of a Nation & The Paranoid Style of American Liberalism. “Meanwhile, the GOP leadership and the vast majority of rightwing and conservative pundits have either rejected or ignored the birther stuff (including Ann Coulter and Pat Buchanan). But the GOP is supposed to own it. Democrats, meanwhile, were never held to a remotely similar standard when a far more evil and pervasive bout of paranoia claimed their own party.”

NEAL BOORTZ: Watch what you say in “casual conversation.”

I invite … no, I URGE you to refer the White House to today’s Nealz Nuze. In fact, do it every single day.

Another idea. Take the web address for Linda Douglass’ little speech and send IT to the White House. You can hardly sound more fishy than that.


NO FEARMONGERING HERE! New DNC ad: Mobs of right-wing lunatics want to feast on your flesh.

Plus this: “No need for outrage, though. Instead, celebrate the fact that even with a Democratic president, a filibuster-proof Congress, and the lure of ‘free’ ice cream in the form of socialized medicine, the left’s somehow managed to turn ObamaCare into a clusterfark of such epic proportions that their health-care message has now actually been reduced to ‘Don’t listen to the Republicans — they’re crazy.'”

Thank goodness we elected a “post-partisan” President!

IS WARREN BUFFETT a big, fat hypocrite? He’s not that fat.