Archive for 2009

IN THE MAIL: From Harry Dolan, Bad Things Happen.

IT’S ONLY WRONG WHEN BUSINESSES DO IT: VA workers given millions in bonuses as vets await checks. “While hundreds of thousands of disability claims lay backlogged at the Department of Veterans Affairs, thousands of technology employees at the department received $24 million in bonuses, a new report says.”

A PROFILE OF Candidate Scott Ott, of Scrappleface fame.

DANG: I could be partying down at the National Lentil Festival. Bring plenty of Beano!


CHARLES LIPSON: Let insurance companies compete across U.S. “With public support draining away from a comprehensive health-care overhaul, it is time to consider modest changes such as encouraging more private competition in health insurance. This doesn’t require another big-government program. It only requires junking laws that prevent health insurers from selling across state lines.”


THINKING OF RUNNING FOR OFFICE? Advice for new candidates from the Chicago Tribune. It’s focused on Illinois, but I think it’s got broader application.

YOUR TAX DOLLARS AT WORK: Good news: Feds pulling workers away from FAA to staff exploding Cash for Clunkers bureaucracy. “Employees of the FAA’s air-traffic-control unit were asked to help.” But don’t worry, it’s overstaffed anyway . . . .

Plus: “Percentage of dealer claims that had been reimbursed by the feds as of Thursday: Seven. How bad does a program have to be to goose sales as much as C4C has and still be badmouthed by the industry? This bad, I guess. . . . There’s actually a serious risk here that the feds are going to mismanage a simple car-rebate program into bankruptcy. Oh, and more good news: Confirming earlier suspicions, it’s foreign carmakers that are getting the lion’s share of the sales. Exit question: Which is more frightening as an omen for ObamaCare’s future problems? Yesterday’s $2 trillion upwards budget revision or this wheezing canary in the coal mine?”

ORLANDO TEA PARTY REPORTS, from Jim and Rachel Pereira.

Looks like a big turnout.


THE PEASANTS ARE REVOLTING. “The new tools enable voters of both sides to speak out and organize more easily. Whichever side is in power will discover that opposition can form even when the media ignore an issue.” Wow. Somebody should write a book about this phenomenon!

DON’T WORRY: This won’t hurt a bit. “A nurse wielding a hypodermic needle is unlikely to conjure up calm thoughts, let alone inspire you to go solo and administer the injection yourself. But a new patch lined with short needles, each the width of just a few strands of hair, may soon grant squeamish patients a reprieve as well as a relatively simple opportunity to take matters into their own hands. The innovation could eliminate the pain and fear of getting shots, researchers say, and it could also make future vaccines and medical treatments safer, more effective and easier to self-administer.”

REPORT: MoveOn.Org, SEIU, ACORN To Infiltrate/Disrupt Recess Protests. “I have a contact who claims to have seen unofficial communications from ACORN, SEIU, and MoveOn.Org members not to just protest for the government option, but it infiltrate the anti-government protesters and attempt to stir up trouble. Precisely what kind of trouble was not specified, and was no doubt communicated verbally. Keep your eyes open folks, and don’t allow yourselves to be provoked. Also, keep an eye on the more excitable and antagonistic folks protesting Obamacare. If they’re acting provocatively in front of news crews or private video cameras, they may not be on your side at all.”

So far I haven’t seen any sign of this, and it may be just talk, but stay tuned. And stay calm even if provoked, which is always good advice.