Archive for 2009

A GROWING DISCONNECT? Frank Wilson looks at the surging popularity of Ayn Rand and Friedrich Hayek. “There is a growing disconnect between the country’s political class and its citizens. It was manifestly on display last month when the House approved the Waxman-Markey cap-and-trade bill, which in its final form was longer than Atlas Shrugged and which none of the members voting on it had read. That the free citizens of a free country would be served so cavalierly by their elected representatives is the sort of thing any good novelist would hesitate to invent, for fear it would seem too implausible.”

MORE TEA PARTY NEWS: “The Portage County Courthouse lawn in Ravenna was filled with people attending the Portage County TEA Party Saturday evening. Several people held signs proclaiming the theme of the rally: ‘Taxed Enough Already.'”

BEWARE THE Neo-Nazi boogeyman. Nazis. I hate those guys. Especially the Illinois Nazis.

IN THE NEW YORK TIMES, Virginia Postrel reviews Chris Anderson’s new book, Free: The Future of a Radical Price. Well, that’s what I charge for InstaPundit! I haven’t really exploited the paid-public-speaking angle, though. Maybe I should. The Insta-Daughter will be in college before I know it . . . .

CONGRESSMAN TAKEN TO CLEANERS IN PONZI SCHEME: “Freshman Rep. Alan Grayson (D-Fla.) lost $3 million in a stock swindle between 2000 and 2005, a Florida television station reported this week.” Well, it’s only fair, since that’s what Congress has been doing to us for years . . . .

But here’s the punchline: “He is a member of the Financial Services Committee.” The country’s in the very best of hands!

THE HEIDELBERG THINGPLATZ: I visited this place a number of times as a kid; we lived in Heidelberg and often hiked up the Heiligenberg, and this place wasn’t far off the path. I found it a bit creepy — the under-stage area had steel bars, and I wondered who was kept there, and why. This account, at least, makes it sound less creepy than I remember.

UPDATE: A couple of readers want to know what I was doing in Heidelberg. My dad taught at the University of Heidelberg for a year when I was a kid. I learned a little German, pretty much all of it forgotten now. I still have fond memories of Kinderbier. I wonder if they still have that.

ROBERT MAYER WRITES: “Thought you might enjoy this! At Rep. Raul Grijalva’s (D-AZ) socialized health care rally, one of our guys gives him… the bunny ears. I sense a rising tide of political elite mockery…” Well, there’s certainly a rising tide of mockability.


EVEN LESS SUNLIGHT IN THE OBAMA WHITE HOUSE: “A few weeks ago, the Obama Administration officially abandoned the President’s ‘Sunlight before Signing’ campaign pledge that the White House would post all legislation passed by Congress for at least five days before the President would sign it. In making this announcement, the Administration maintained that it would comply with the spirit, if not the letter, of the original commitment by posting legislation on the White House site once it became clear legislation would eventually pass and make it to the President’s desk. This new commitment, they suggested, would actually provide even greater sunlight, as some bills would be available for review earlier and for a longer time. Well, this promise is no longer operative either, as the Cato Institute’s Jim Harper details. Since the White House announced its new sunlight policy, nine additional pieces of legislation have been signed into law by the President and yet, as of yesterday, not one had been posted on the White House web site.”

GETTING MORE OUT OF A BARREL OF CRUDE OIL. We’d better, since we don’t seem to be doing much new drilling.