Archive for 2009

SO LAST NIGHT the Insta-Mom brought over the newly-remastered Beatles Box Set. Listened to Abbey Road and Rubber Soul all the way through. My take: Meh. It’s clearer, but — even listening on the fairly mellow “consumer grade” speakers — the high end sounded overhyped to me. And the increased separation in the background vocals seemed to me to take away from the mixes rather than improve them. I wonder if they didn’t deliberately hype the high end to compensate for boomers’ hearing degradation? Whatever, I wasn’t overwhelmed.

GALLUP: Majority believe government is doing too much. “The last time the number of people who believe government is doing too much hit 57 percent was in October 1994, shortly before voters threw Democrats out of power in both the House and Senate.”

ROGER SIMON: Stephanopoulos and ACORN: Obama Lies Again. “One of the interesting things about the response to Rep. Joe Wilson’s blurting out ‘You lie!’ to Barack Obama during the President’s healthcare speech to Congress was that Wilson was censured for his incivility, not his lack of veracity. . . . Everything is upside down here because Obama knows what we all do – ACORN is a poster boy for the welfare state in all its manifestations. This is no sideshow. It’s the heart of the matter. No wonder he is lying about it.”


AMERICA’S NEXT Top Virgin? I think I’ll skip that show.