Archive for 2009

BREAKING NEWS: National Endowment for the Arts Renamed National Endowment for Propaganda. Stay Tuned. “This is Only the Beginning.” “There is a German word for what we are witnessing at the NEA and elsewhere in the Obama administration’s effort to push its agenda. It is Gleichschaltung. It means two things: first, bringing all aspects of life into conformity with a given political line. And second, as a prerequisite for realizing that goal, the obliteration or at least marginalization of all opposition.”


SOME KINDA SAD dating video. The hairstyles are the saddest part, though . . .


ANOTHER BREITBART SCOOP: EXPLOSIVE NEW AUDIO Reveals White House Using NEA to Push Partisan Agenda. The National Endowment for the Arts isn’t looking good here, and neither is the White House. Er, or the press that missed the story. Audio and transcripts at the link.

Plus, Nick Gillespie: How to Corrupt Artists in One Quick and Easy Telecon. “It’s ironic that official attempts to use artists have come to light only weeks before the 20th anniversary of the destruction of the Berlin Wall and the subsequent collapse of the German Democratic Republic, a regime that spent an enormous amount of time, energy, and resources creating fake culture to bolster its political agenda. ‘Official’ culture is always unseemly, especially when the connections between officials and the ostensible creators are hidden from the audience.”

THE GIRL BELOW IS AN ANDROID SEX DOLL. The proper term is “prosthetute.”


AMAZON’S GROWTH IS SHAKING UP RETAIL: “Fifteen years after Jeffrey P. Bezos founded the company as an online bookstore, Amazon is set to cross a significant threshold. Sometime later this year, if current trends continue, worldwide sales of media products – the books, movies, and music that Amazon started with – will be surpassed by sales of other merchandise on the site. (That already occurred this year in its North American business.) In other words, in an increasingly digital age, Amazon is quickly becoming the world’s general store.”