Archive for 2009

MORE CRITICISM OF U.N.C., this time from Eugene Volokh. “Now it may well be that publishing a person’s home address is protected speech; I have so argued, and some courts agree, though there’s controversy about that. But surely publishing a group advisor’s home address — against a backdrop of criminal thuggery (albeit short of deadly violence) aimed at that group — is indeed potentially threatening. It seems to me that a professor, no less than anyone else, is entitled to respond by expressing a willingness to defend himself. . . . On top of this, leaving the group unable to function because of the faculty member’s alleged incivility — an incivility prompted by thuggishness that apparently came from the group’s enemies — seems even more unsound. If the university were really committed to preserving debate, it would make sure that the group could continue to function, rather than giving the thugs a victory.”

You’d expect better than this from U.N.C. Chancellor Holden Thorp. He hasn’t even blogged on it.

LONG WAR JOURNAL: McChrystal to Resign If Not Given Adequate Resources In Afghanistan. “Today, the military is perceiving that the administration is punting the question of a troop increase in Afghanistan, and the military is even questioning the administration’s commitment to succeed in Afghanistan. The leaking of the assessment and the report that McChrystal would resign if he is not given what is needed to succeed constitute some very public pushback against the administration’s waffling on Afghanistan.”


MOTHER JONES: Bill Clinton on Al Gore: “I Thought He Was in Neverland”. Plus, no love for Jimmy Carter: “Carter always criticizes, but he doesn’t have much positive to say.” Or Maureen Dowd: “She must live in mortal fear that there’s somebody in the world living a healthy and productive life.”

UPDATE: Yeah, link’s iffy now — Drudge has picked it up, and MoJo’s server seems unequal to the load.

RADLEY BALKO: The “Tenther” Smear.

The American Prospect, The New Republic, and other left-of-center outlets are pushing the ‘Tenther’ smear, aimed at lumping those who, horrors!, still take seriously the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution in with the Obama birth certificate deniers and 9/11 truthers.

It’s such a transparent attempt at marginalizing the other side (mostly with respect to the health care issue) it seems almost a waste of time addressing. But one might start by pointing out that unlike any convincing evidence that Obama isn’t a U.S. citizen, or proof that the Bush administration orchestrated the September 11 attacks, the Tenth Amendment actually exists. You can actually go to the National Archives and read it. There’s also a historical record of its drafting and ratification. Really.

But if it stands in the path of power, it must be eliminated or marginalized. Gleichschaltung!

CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: Why isn’t Obama paying closer attention to Afghanistan?

UPDATE: Related: “For every Washington pundit who claims Mr Obama has a secret timetable for withdrawal from Afghanistan, there is another who insists he is about to ‘double down’ there. The truth is he seems genuinely undecided. General McChrystal and Senator McCain are right about one thing. He cannot stay undecided for long.”

THE COUNTRY’S IN THE VERY BEST OF HANDS: F.D.I.C. May Borrow Funds From Banks. “Tired of the government bailing out banks? Get ready for this: officials may soon ask banks to bail out the government. Senior regulators say they are seriously considering a plan to have the nation’s healthy banks lend billions of dollars to rescue the insurance fund that protects bank depositors. That would enable the fund, which is rapidly running out of money because of a wave of bank failures, to continue to rescue the sickest banks.” Upside: The plan is “strongly supported by bankers and their lobbyists!”

MORE ON THAT INSPECTOR GENERAL SCANDAL FROM BYRON YORK: Walpin scandal update: Grassley blocks nomination, accuses administration of stonewalling. “Republican Sen. Charles Grassley has blocked the ambassadorial nomination of Alan Solomont, currently chairman of the board of the government agency that oversees AmeriCorps, in retaliation for what Grassley says is the administration’s stonewalling of Congress over documents relating to the firing of AmeriCorps inspector general Gerald Walpin. Specifically, Grassley has sought, and been denied, information relating to the White House’s role in the decision to fire Walpin.”

JAMES TARANTO: Artists As Servants Of Power: The Obama administration remakes the National Endowment for the Arts.

Now that their side is in power, however, that adversary attitude stands exposed as a sham. The so-called oppositional artists are only too willing to act as handmaidens of the powerful. We backhandedly salute the Obama administration for exposing this.

Meanwhile, as with Van Jones and Acorn, the mainstream media have had little to say about this scandal. The New York Times hasn’t even reported it at all. What we said about artists in the preceding paragraph applies to the so-called adversary press as well.


TAX-PAID PROPAGANDA: “This is creepy. . . . . Perhaps a Broadway musical is in order: ‘Springtime for Barack.'”

EYE-MOVEMENT TEST better than MRI for diagnosing stroke.

REUTERS: U.S. charges Obama fund-raiser in $290 million fraud. “Hassan Nemazee, a fund-raiser for Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and other Democrats, has been indicted for defrauding Bank of America, HSBC and Citigroup Inc out of more than $290 million in loan proceeds, U.S. prosecutors said on Monday.” Boy, the hits just keep on coming, don’t they? Plus, it sounds like Obama may have actually gotten some of the money: “The office of the U.S. Attorney in Manhattan and the FBI said he used the proceeds of his scheme to make donations to election campaigns of federal, state and local candidates, donations to political action committees and charities.” Say, does ACORN count as a “charity?” Just wondering. . . .

LIVEBLOGGING from Honduras.

TURNING THE PRESIDENCY into an infomercial?

UPDATE: Rand Simberg emails: “Still all sham, and no wow.”


DOES NOT OWNING A CAR make you fatter?

NOT TO BE MISSED: Possibly not safe for work, though not in any very fun way . . . .