Archive for 2008

LARRY KUDLOW: “With the dollar rising all of a sudden, and commodity prices plunging, this would be a great time for the Treasury to get out there and buy dollars.”

COUNTRY CLUB DEMOCRATS? “The Democratic nomination process is becoming more exclusive than Augusta National Golf Club.”

WHILE TRAVELING, I pretty much missed the McCain/Obama video kerfuffle. But Ann Althouse has it covered.

CLIVE DAVIS: “I guess I might as well remind Barack Obama that the war in Iraq hasn’t lasted longer than WW2. There were, in fact, some isolated outbreaks of fighting before Pearl Harbour.”

POPULAR MECHANICS gets a National Magazine Award nomination. Two of the three issues had my column, which means that at least I’m not holding ’em back!


A RECIPE FOR Easter Lamb. Mmm. Lamb.

THE EXAMINER: “Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has received more campaign money from disgraced lawyers at the controversial Milberg Weiss law firm than any other member of Congress, but she won’t say whether she’ll keep the contributions.”

RON COLEMAN ON changing definitions of eloquence. “It once meant a talent for powerfully, persuasively and elegantly communicating ideas. Now it is used to describe the use of pretty words to obscure meaning.”

MORE ON ARTHUR C. CLARKE, from Rand Simberg.

BERNSTEIN ON LITHWICK ON HELLER. “But surely it would be problematic to refuse to enforce a federal right against a part of the federal government just because the incorporation doctrine suggests that the right will have to enforced in exactly the same way against the states. If that is indeed a problem, it’s a problem with incorporation (essentially invented by the liberal Warren Court, though that is a very long and complicated subject), and not the current majority’s fealty to federalism.”

ALEX SINGLETON: “People say that the market promotes selfishness, but it turns out that it is when things are owned collectively that greed thrives.”


BELGIUM NO LONGER EXISTS: “The states of convenience cobbled together by nineteenth century European imperialism are still falling apart. In the long run, in the modern world it seems hard to have a state without a nation. I’m curious to see whether the process has some natural resting point.”

YEAH, BUT THE ELECTION’S A LONG WAY OFF: McCain Surges Ahead. I mean, who would have expected this headline just a few months ago? Meanwhile, Hillary pulls ahead of Obama in the latest Gallup poll.

A MODEST PROPOSAL from The American Thinker. I’m sure it will be appreciated . . . .

BOY, MATT WELCH REALLY UNDERSTANDS this whole Internet shilling business. For the record, I don’t own the thong.

PICKING LOCKS, and minds.