SINBAD 1, HILLARY 0: The WaPo awards Hillary four Pinocchios for prevarication.
Archive for 2008
March 21, 2008
GHOST RIDING in Afghanistan.
PASSPORTGATE EXPANDS BEYOND OBAMA: Clinton, McCain passport records were also viewed. This is nothing compared to what we’ll see if we go to national healthcare.
I’M NOT HAPPY with current trends in eco-thinking. First, a shower that punishes you for using too much water. Then, a combination toilet/washing machine? Uh huh.
YEHUDAH MIRSKY: Can the American approach to religion work outside the West?
JAKE TAPPER: Pennsylvania Democrats set to defect: “In a sign of just how divisive and ugly the Democratic fight has gotten, only 53% of Clinton voters say they’ll vote for Obama should he become the nominee. Nineteen percent say they’ll go for Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., and 13% say they won’t vote. Sixty percent of Obama voters say they’ll go for Clinton should she win the nomination, with 20% opting for McCain, and three percent saying they won’t vote.” I blame racism.
GOTHAM GALS: A tribute to booth babes at the New York Auto Show.
IN THE MAIL: The Fidelity Files. Send a copy to McGreevey, Spitzer, Paterson, et al.
BOINGBOING TV on Tibet’s uprising and the Internet.
HEH: Already cashing in on the Obama “typical white person” flap. I love the Internet. And capitalism!
FLORIDA, wrecker of elections.
VICTIM KILLED BY BURGLAR while on the phone to 911. She’d have been better off with a gun.
A VERY COOL PHOTO of Atlanta during last week’s tornado. (Via Neal Boortz). Follow link for much larger image.
WOW: According to this review, the cheap and easy to use Flip Video Camera has captured an amazing 13% of the camcorder market. Why? “Having finally lived with the Flip, I finally know the answer: it’s a blast. It’s always ready, always with you, always trustworthy. Instead of crippling this ‘camcorder,’ the simplicity elevates it.” I still don’t see much advantage over video from a digital still camera, though the review says the Flip does a lot better in low light.
CRUCIFIXION IS BAD FOR YOUR HEALTH: Having been crucified myself,* I have to say that it’s no picnic, even when they don’t actually nail you to the cross.
* During my brief acting career, when I was understudy to Thief On The Left in the Smoky Mountain Passion Play.
ADOBE: Taking the fun out of fun?
TOM MAGUIRE: “Is there any doubt why Obama is resisting the re-vote in Florida and Michigan? Try to picture him losing those two states as well as those listed above and then trying to persuade the superdelegates of his inevitability.”
KOSOVO: The Israel of the Balkans.
HEH: The 10 formats HD-DVD will meet in video heaven. I remember seeing the first LaserDisc player before it was released. But U-Matic isn’t really dead, except as a consumer format. We have a couple of U-Matic decks in the Law School studio.
DON SURBER: Why does YouTube suck? “I realize You Tube is free. But man, it sucks. It is like watching over-the-air TV in an HDTV age.” Yeah, the YouTube videos always look worse than what I upload.
A TYPICAL WHITE PERSON? They all look alike to me.
UPDATE: Related thoughts from Tom Maguire.
Plus this: “Obama, with his unique understanding of America’s problems, has done what no white man could have done. He has managed to make Hillary look good.”
ANOTHER UPDATE: Further thoughts here. “Surely, if race relations are as bad as Wright and Obama would have them, they’d manifest themselves much more brutally here in the part of America that still takes pride in the Rebel flag than they do in mega-liberal Chicago. That’s not my experience, nor is it my observation…and believe me, with kids who are just as subject to the ‘one-drop rule’ as Obama himself is, I’m a keen observer.”
March 20, 2008
CONSTITUENT SERVICE? Well, somebody was being serviced . . . .
ADVICE FOR JOHN MCCAIN: Don’t get cocky!
TED NUGENT ON the Second Amendment.