Archive for 2008


Knoxville, Tennessee. Tree in front of Sophronia Strong Hall on the U.T. campus. Taken with the Panasonic Lumix LX3, advertised as the pocket camera for digital SLR owners. It’s a very nice camera with a very nice lens.


UH OH: States drain unemployment trust funds.

“Some states didn’t have adequate reserves built up,” said Andrew Stettner, deputy director of the National Employment Law Project. “They are having significant problems paying out the increased number of benefits.”

Remember that thing about the seven fat years and seven lean years? Apparently not . . . .

MICKEY KAUS: “So the UAW wants a $25 billion bailout and an end to the secret ballot … Because Wagner Act unionism clearly worked out so well for Detroit.”

BILL JOY TECH CZAR? I think there are better choices. Some thoughts on Joy and tech from 2000 are here. I had dinner with him once, and he’s a nice guy, but I’d rather have someone who’s a bit more enthusiastic about technological progress.

GLENN GREENWALD wants the Democrats to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act. I think they should. I also don’t think they will. In fact, all those new black and Latino voters who came out for Obama in California voted heavily against gay marriage. Plus, as I’ve noted before, Obama himself says he is against gay marriage on religious grounds. Ann Althouse, meanwhile, thinks the answer is “No, because they’re not stupid and they want to stay in power.” I could be wrong (and I hope I am) but I suspect that those who backed Obama because of gay marriage will be disappointed. I suspect they’ll be told, “wait until the second term.”

UPDATE: Hmm: “I already have a sense of gays being thrown under the bus again as the Democrats rise to power. All the gay people voted for the Democrats and helped them get to where they are now, but we’re unlikely to get anything in return. And many of the people who voted for Prop 8 are the same ones who voted for Obama. That’s the problem with an interest group having unconditional love for one political party.”

A READER EMAILS: “Why doesn’t anyone including Instapundit, say the obvious: The market was up when it looked as though McCain had a chance. Now that Obama has won — as a direct result — the market is tanking. Obviously — almost 500 point loss each day since Obama has won the election!”

Well, the stock market is certainly tanking:

Major indexes have lost about 10 percent since Barack Obama was elected president — a vote preceded by a steep rally — and the losses represent the Dow’s worst two-day percentage decline since the October 1987 crash.

Is it really fair to blame this on Obama? I don’t know, but those who thought he was going to bring about a stock market rally by being elected have certainly turned out to be wrong.

UPDATE: Reader Jonathan Adams thinks it’s fair to blame Obama, and cites this story: China urges Obama to respect free trade, defends currency policy. Adams comments: “If even the Communists worry about Obama’s violation of free trade principles, I think it’s reasonable to put failure to assuage the fears of those who expect and rely upon a free market squarely on his shoulders. Yes, the headline has a distinct Orwellian feel to it, but in context with the pre-election statements and post-election market moves … what if they’re serious?”

ANOTHER UPDATE: The breakdown of denial?

TALK OF MARTY LEDERMAN as head of OLC. I went to law school with Marty, and he’s a good guy. He leans left, but no more so than anyone who holds this job under Obama is likely to be, and he has a good head on his shoulders. Plus, he’s a blogger.

UPDATE: From the comments: “Have you even considered non-law professors?”

Of course not. Law professors rule.

RICK MORAN on the Rahm Emanuel appointment.

Actually, I think this makes sense for Obama. Emanuel will serve as Obama’s hatchet-man and Dr. No, but the main targets will be Congressional Democrats and Democratic interest groups. Obama realizes that he’s promised a lot more than he can deliver, and Emanuel’s job will be to stave off all the claimants who — as they realize that too — will try to get to him before it’s too late. Obama can stay the good cop, while Emanuel will be the bad. Republicans flatter themselves if they think they’ll be the focus of Emanuel’s attentions; they’ll be an afterthought.



UPDATE: Scalzi: “You can’t defeat bacon. You can’t even hope to try.”