Archive for 2008

THOUGHTS ON TALK OF A REVIVED “FAIRNESS” DOCTRINE: “It gives one pause when a leading Democrat compares talk radio to pornography. But that’s what Sen. Charles Schumer of New York did on Fox News a week ago while advocating a return to the Fairness Doctrine requiring holders of broadcast licenses to present controversial issues in a balanced way.”


AN ELECTION POLL ON what voters want on the issues. That hasn’t changed as much as their votes on candidates might suggest.


A LIST OF THE best history books of 2008. The list includes Jonah Goldberg’s Liberal Fascism, which I predict will enjoy a second round of interest as a result of the election.

JOHN HAWKINS looks at how the right-leaning blogosphere is coping with defeat, and compares it to how the lefties dealt in 2000 and 2004.

Plus, Victor Davis Hanson on how to criticize our next President: “It seems to me that conservatives have a golden opportunity to offer criticism and advice in a manner that many liberals did not during the last eight years. By that I mean I hope there are no conservative versions of the Nicholson Baker Knopf-published ‘novel’ Checkpoint, the creepy documentary by Gerald Range, the attempt to name a sewer plant after an American President, or the celebrity outbursts that we have witnessed with the tired refrain of Hitler/Nazi Bush—that all have cheapened political discourse. When I hear a partisan insider like Paul Begala urging at the 11th hour that we now rally around lame-duck Bush in his last few days, I detect a sense of apprehension that no Democrats would wish conservatives to treat Obama as they did Bush for eight years.”

LARRY SUMMERS: Africa is “under-polluted.” Probably right, but not playing well with lefties who’d rather see Barney Frank as Treasury Secretary . . . .

JEFF JARVIS: Our Airwaves.

UNHAPPY ABOUT THE ELECTIONS? What about taking some concrete steps?