Archive for 2008


I’M SORRY FOR DOING THE RIGHT THING: “Hillary Rodham Clinton’s chief strategist apologized Friday for meeting with Colombian officials pushing a free trade agreement that the presidential candidate opposes.”

Well, that’s par for the course.



WELL, THIS IS COOL: I got the new Nikon D300 in the mail — I’ll be reviewing it for Popular Mechanics. Haven’t had a chance to do much more than unbox it and charge the battery so far, but my first impression is of tremendous solidity. I’ve used the D70 and D50 and they feel good, but this just feels much more, well, solid.

If you’re interested, here’s Ken Rockwell’s much more technical review. And here’s one from

UPDATE: This is a pretty detailed review, too.

And don’t miss this one from Thom Hogan. Naturally, I like this sentence: “Looking inside the D300 is a bit like observing the work of a bunch of nano-bots let loose on a D200 to improve it.”

ANOTHER UPDATE: Hey, here’s a review from Stephen Green.



In chilling videos shown to a jury Friday, men accused of plotting to bring down jetliners over the Atlantic called for revenge for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and praised Osama bin Laden.

Six of the eight defendants videotaped messages denouncing the West for what they said was its suppression of Muslims, prosecutor Peter Wright said as he outlined his case to jurors at a London court.

The defendants, all Britons with ties to Pakistan, are accused of plotting to blow up at least seven jetliners bound for the United States and Canada in 2006.

Some of the group were heard on secret police surveillance discussing plans to take their wives and young children on the suicide missions, Wright said.

Wright showed a jury clips of the so-called martyr videos, recorded for distribution after the attacks. Each man wore a black-and-white checkered head scarf and sat alone in front of a black flag inscribed with a message in Arabic.

Glad they were caught.

CALL IT coffin-nailgate.

UPDATE: More thoughts here. “If he cannot be honest about his personal addiction to nicotine, what else is he lying about?!?” Nacho cheese Doritos.

ALTERNATIVE-FUEL CARS are taking off. “Sales of alternative fuel automobiles (hybrids, flex-fuel vehicles, etc.) rose to a record of nearly 1.8 million vehicles in the USA in 2007.”

MORE MIXED MESSAGES: “A key adviser to Senator Obama’s campaign is recommending in a confidential paper that America keep between 60,000 and 80,000 troops in Iraq as of late 2010, a plan at odds with the public pledge of the Illinois senator to withdraw combat forces from Iraq within 16 months of taking office.”

I’d like that to be true. But is it?

LARRY KUDLOW: “Recessions are part of capitalism. They happen every so often. We’ve had two in the last 25 years. And it looks like we are entering a third one after today’s jobs-loss report.”

CALLING A SOLDIER A “TWO-BIT SECURITY GUARD”? That’s pretty lame. But hey, maybe he can get a job in journalism once the election’s over.

Or, of course, Think Progress could just be wrong again. But Don Surber comments: “The guard might not have been a U.S. soldier. So what? The guy is willing to take one for you. Appreciate it.”

Meanwhile, Tom Maguire has much more.

UPDATE: Oops: “ThinkProgress has now updated its post to note their apparent error regarding the security guard. But there is still no acknowledgement that the video they have posted was selectively edited to remove the self-deprecating context. BTW, for those not clicking the links, Amanda’s two sources for this story were: (1) McHenry’s opponent; and (2) a website quoting the press release from McHenry’s opponent.”


HOW TO BE A REGULAR GUY, when you’ve never been one and generally look down on them. This is a problem that has plagued a lot of Democratic nominees.

IT’S A SMALL WORLD, but one with bigger people in it.

IT’S NOT DEAD YET: “Microsoft will be making Windows XP available for Eee-class ultraportables until 2010, and possibly later. Demand for XP on devices like the Eee and Intel’s Classmate machines has prompted MS to reconsider axing XP entirely this June: the company will now sell XP Home through at least June 2010, and for one year after the release of Windows 7 — which means sales of XP could stretch into 2012.”

WHAT IF THE DEMOCRATS used “winner take all?” The answer: “Clinton would currently have a 120 (1738 to 1618) total delegate lead and a remarkable 167 (1427 to 1260) pledged delegate lead.”

SILENCE on Zimbabwe.