Archive for 2008

AT THE MOMENT, MCCAIN IS AHEAD IN POPULAR VOTES while way behind in electoral votes. I doubt that will last, but in light of 2000 it’s funny.

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ANN ALTHOUSE is liveblogging the election.

PJTV COVERAGE starts at 8 o’clock Eastern.

FOX CALLS WEST VIRGINIA FOR MCCAIN. NC, Ohio, Georgia, Virginia, SC, Indiana still too close to call.

Also, an easy Virginia Senate win for Mark Warner. Our podcast interview with Warner is here.

UPDATE: Now South Carolina called for McCain.

ANOTHER UPDATE: ABC calls Pennsylvania, New Hampshire for Obama.

AFTER YOU’VE VOTED, knock back an Obama Mama or a Maverick Martini. Or three. I plan to drink heavily tonight, whatever transpires. And, possibly, for the next four years.

THEY’RE LIVEBLOGGING AT CONTENTIONS: And John Podhoretz observes: “I have been writing about the 2008 election since December 2006 — two or three columns a week for the New York Post until November 2007, daily posts on National Review Online’s The Corner until November 2007, and here at Contentions almost daily since then. I watched 20 Democratic primary debates and 15 Republican primary debates. . . . Tonight, whatever happens, it will end. And I am, as I write those words, the happiest man on the face of the earth.”

UPDATE: A report from deepest red-state territory in Alabama.

And Will Conway is liveblogging, too.



Should be a rousing event. And, of course, I’ll be on PJTV just after 8 Eastern. All the coverage tonight is free to everybody, no subscription or registration required.

UPDATE: No, this isn’t a real Obama poster. It’s a parody by my high-school friend Joel Andrews.

STEPHEN GREEN WILL BE drunkblogging the election.

UPDATE: A reader emails: “Ah, another dog bites man story. (What will be the impact on the liquor industry with the election season coming to an end?)” I don’t think he’ll be drinking any less, regardless . . . .

JAMES PETHOKOUKIS: “Here is the latest from inside Team McCain: Florida looks good. Ohio, Penn., Virginia and NC are too close to call. . . . As superguru Mike Barone puts it, wait for real votes to be counted. But at the very least, this hardly looks like an Obama blowout. Still maybe a McCain win.”

Who knows? Wait for actual votes to be counted — and keep an eye on the counters . . . .

I wonder, though — has all the media hype raised expectations such that anything less than a blowout on Obama’s part will be a disappointment?

UPDATE: “Wildly contradictory data.”

MEGAN MCARDLE: “Whether or not you are for Obama, the candidate, I think you have to admit that there is one pretty exciting thing happening today: we will never again live in an America where a black man can’t be elected president.” That’s right. Even if it works out that Obama isn’t elected President, it’s clear that he can be. And, probably, still will be, even if there’s some evidence that things may be tighter than the polls had suggested.

UPDATE: Reader Rahul Banta writes: “I think one take away from this election cycle is that never again will two white men ever be successful running for President and Vice President. I think this election has changed all that permanently. For better or worse we now will have at least one woman and one minority person on one of the major parties ticket, perhaps even in the same person and anything other than that will be seen as somehow out of touch or not very representative of America. The amazing thing is this all happened without anyone really noticing it.”

THE RESPONSE TO MY FORBES COLUMN TODAY is split about 50-50 between people who are glad I said that, and people who think I’m a naive fool. Though I suppose those aren’t necessarily mutually exclusive . . . .

MARC AMBINDER: Obama campaign says Minnesota closer than polls had indicated.

Also, closer in Virginia and Pennsylvania? On the other hand, Drudge says that the exit polls show Obama way up in Pennsylvania. Go figure.

UPDATE: Gawker says: First State Exit Poll Numbers Are Tighter Than Recent Polling. Well, don’t let this affect your voting — remember how wrong the exit polls were in 2004. We’ll know the truth soon.

ANOTHER UPDATE: Another exit-poll caution.

MORE: John Hood — exit polls are “A Complete, Foolish Waste Of Time.”

JIM LINDGREN: “What we are unlikely to see over the next four years is progress on serious defects in the press and the electoral process that this election revealed. It is ironic that in 2008 we probably have two of the most honest and decent men running for president that we have had in a long time, and yet this has easily been the most corrupt election in my lifetime.”

REMINDER: Tonight, starting at 8 Eastern Time, there’ll be live election coverage on PJTV, free to everybody with no registration. I’ll be on, early and probably late, too.

A LAWSUIT IN NEW HAMPSHIRE: “The New Hampshire Republican State Committee is filing a lawsuit against the New Hampshire Secretary of State, William Gardner, claiming that Republican election officials are purposefuly being kept away from new registration tables. Both Republicans and Democrats appoint election officials to ensure that neither party tries to tamper with votes or registration.” Meanwhile, Will Conway reports from Connecticut.

UPDATE: More problems in Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey.


Knoxville, Tennessee. At the Student Center (that’s the law school building in the background), where there was no visible mob voting. There was a TV truck, too, but things looked pretty sedate.



Knoxville, Tennessee. At the Student Center (that’s the law school building in the background), where there was no visible mob voting. There was a TV truck, too, but things looked pretty sedate.
