Archive for 2006

HEY, MAYBE I should run for President! “Running for president, however, is absolutely the best job in the world. And the government will pay you to run.”

UPDATE: Kucinich’s running mate spotted.

ANOTHER UPDATE: Whaddya know, I forgot I was already nominated!

A LOOK AT EVENTS IN IRAQ, from IraqPundit.

“WHEN IS NBC NEWS GOING TO PRONOUNCE civil war in ‘Palestine’?”

There is a simple answer to this question, which I leave as an exercise for the reader.

UPDATE: Carl in Jerusalem isn’t waiting.

IRAQI INSURGENTS BROADCASTING TV OUT OF SYRIA: Another reason to wonder why the Bush Administration has taken such a hands-off approach with Assad.

THIS WEEK’S BLOG WEEK IN REVIEW is up, with special guests Scott Johnson and John Hinderaker of Power Line.


Now, a Nevada lawmaker wants to put more weapons on school property — not in the hands of students, but in the hands of their teachers and school staff.

State Senator Bob Beers believes guns in the hands of highly trained, law-abiding citizens can serve as a deterrent to criminal activity. And what better place to stop crime than in the classroom, he told the I-Team in an exclusive interview.

Clark County School District police find a shotgun on a student that classmates characterize as having an anger problem. The “what-ifs” of the situation aren’t hard to imagine. Images from Columbine High School have become part of the American collective consciousness.

But where gun control has failed, Bob Beers believes gun proliferation may succeed. The republican senator for Clark County said, “The theory is that insane people don’t go on shooting sprees around people who have weapons.”

Beers plans to submit a bill draft this week to allow school personnel to carry concealed firearms on campus provided teachers, principals and even bus drivers complete weapons training that, in his words, would exceed law enforcement training standards.

We’re seeing more and more proposals like this.

UPDATE: See this post from Donald Sensing, too.

YEAH, LIGHT BLOGGING — I’ve been a bit under the weather today.

You hear a lot about suicide and depression during the holiday season. We talk with Dr. Eric Caine, head of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Rochester and a consultant to the President’s Commission on Mental Health, about suicide and suicide prevention. Do antidepressant drugs raise the risks of suicide or lower them? What preventive steps work, and what should general medical practitioners, or concerned friends and family, do? Dr. Caine offers lots of answers, and interesting discussion.

You can listen to the show directly — no downloading needed — by going here and clicking on the gray Flash player. You can download the file by clicking right here, and you can subscribe via iTunes by clicking here. A lo-fi version suitable for dialup, cellphones, etc. is available by going here and selecting the lo-fi version.

You can visit the Suicide Prevention Action Network at for more information on suicide or take a look at Night Falls Fast: Understanding Suicide, a book recommended by Helen.

Music is by Todd Steed and the Suns of Phere.

This podcast is brought to you by Volvo at

TECH BLEG: Does anybody out there have any experience with this wireless laser printer from HP?

I’m pretty happy with the performance of my HP wireless inkjet, but the ink is expensive, the ink cartridges are small, and I don’t like to use it for big jobs, which alas I still have even in this allegedly paperless era. But I’m usually on a laptop, so it’s wireless or nothing. The wireless laser looks reasonably priced; will it be as reliable as the inkjet? And will the two of them play well together on the same network?

REMEMBERING THE WHITE ANIMALS: That was a great band; I saw them many times in Nashville and in DC. They still play occasionally, and they’ve got a website that sells their CDs online. A lot of their stuff is available for free download, too. Check out their signature song, “Ecstasy,” here.

THE DUKE RAPE ACCUSER has given birth. Thanks to the DNA evidence, all we know for sure is that none of the defendants can be the father.

UPDATE: Check the updates at the link above.



PROOF THAT I’M NOT A CONSERVATIVE? I didn’t make Tom Delay’s blogroll.

On the other hand, Bill Quick — who’s not much of a conservative either — did, so scratch that theory. And Keith Olbermann got some attention, too . . . .

DARFUR UPDATE: Peter Pham and Michael Krauss look at what’s going on, and what might make things better.

CAN’T PEOPLE WAIT ON THIS FOR A WHILE? I guess not: The Wall Street Journal (free link) rounds up speculation on what will happen if Tim Johnson is unable to return to the Senate.

MICKEY KAUS: “That official police report on Diana’s death appears to be a bust, as far as alleging spying by the Clinton Administration on Republican magnate Ted Forstmann.”

I THOUGHT THIS WAS PRETTY PEDESTRIAN, until the hat came out. That’s what turns an ordinary Internet video into pure comedic gold.

JOHN HINDERAKER offers some advice to President Bush.

UPDATE: B ill Quick weighs in — though you’ll have to scroll past an annoying (to me) list of recently posted comments to see the actual post I’ve linked.