Archive for 2005

OVER AT BIASED-BBC, BBC correspondent Paul Reynolds (no relation) is responding to criticism in the comments.

THE SOVIET BIOWAR HANGOVER seems to be continuing, with an outbreak of tularemia in Russia. Gateway Pundit has this and related news.


PEOPLE ARE STILL TALKING ABOUT PAT ROBERTSON, but really, this post by Stephen Green is the last word:

Pat Robertson is an idiot. Not only that, but he’s a hypocritical idiot. If we were so hot for toppling dictators, he really ought to stop making millions of dollars off them.

Not that there’d be much wrong with killing Hugo Chávez. If there’s one thing Ayn Rand got right, it’s this: No dictatorship has any right to exist; any free nation wishing to topple a dictatorship has the moral right (but not the moral obligation) to do so.

Failing that, knocking off the dictator certainly couldn’t do any harm.

But Robertson is still an idiot.

Well, yeah.

THE NOT-SO-SAD PLIGHT of female DJ’s — I take up a challenge from K. Lo, over at


The new study suggests water may still bubble to the surface of Mars now and then, flow for a short stretch, then boil away in the thin, cold air.

The conclusion is based on computer modeling of the atmosphere and how water would behave.

“The gullies may be sites of near-surface water on present-day Mars and should be considered as prime astrobiological target sites for future exploration,” said Jennifer Heldmann, the lead researcher from NASA’s Ames Research Center. “The gully sites may also be of prime importance for human exploration of Mars because they may represent locations of relatively near surface liquid water, which can be accessed by crews drilling on the red planet.”

Any potential long-term human presence on Mars would require a water source, both for drinking and to be broken down into hydrogen as fuel for return flights.

The claim that water carved the gullies is based on the shape and size of features spotted by NASA’s Mars Global Surveyor.

This is good news, though life on Mars might well be bad news.

ASSASSINATION AS A TOOL OF FOREIGN POLICY: Eugene Volokh is against it. George Stephanopoulos is reportedly more supportive.

OUCH, again.

UPDATE: And again. “Hey, this is blogging, not journalism or scholarly work. But Mr Cole can be pretty blistering when others make errors on his turf.”

I think he’s just defending his monopoly position . . . .

RADLEY BALKO NOTES that “consumer advocates” can make life miserable for consumers. Bill Quick is mentioned, as is Jeralynn Merritt.

GATES OF FIRE: Michael Yon has more firsthand combat reporting from Iraq, with photos. As always, it’s a must-read. Thank goodness for the blogosphere, as you won’t see this kind of reporting anywhere else.

LYNN KIESLING ON GAS PRICES: “[B]etween economic growth and increased fuel efficiency, the amount we spend to pay for fuel is a decreasing share of our household budgets, and is a much lower share than in the 1970s. It’s expensive and annoying, yes, but it’s not the big budget item in most budgets that it used to be.”