Archive for 2003

SAY, WHO DO YOU THINK THIS is talking about?

Another official circulated an internet page with a picture of M Chirac looking surprised. Captions were invited below. Among the more printable were: “Jacques Chirac works hard on his look of utter disbelief, preparing for the announcement of the discovery of weapons of mass destruction in liberated Iraq.”

Whoever could they mean?

UPDATE: In a related development, I certainly hope that today’s New York Post is widely distributed at the U.N.


UPDATE: Some related observations.

DIANE E. on Saturday’s protests in New York, and the plans of the usual idiots to ensure that they reflect badly on the antiwar movement.


On the one hand the left espouses equal rights for women, minorities and homosexuals; it lauds free speech and a vibrant independent press as essentials of civil society. The left is a guardian of the separation of church and state and a watchdog of the judicial process. So it finds itself in diametrical opposition to the nature of most Arab societies. But in the wake of this opposition, the left simply sticks its head in the sand rather than confront the reality that as globalization integrates the world order ever closer, we are hurtling toward a clash of civilizations unless the world comes to some sort of agreement on universal values. The left has failed to say that it will not stand for the oppression of women, the vicious repression of human rights and suppression of democratic principles. The only thing it can articulate is a naive and dangerous blame-America-first rhetoric as the root of all problems in the world today.

This hypocrisy is at its zenith in the case of Iraq. For years the left criticized the UN sanctions against Iraq. These sanctions left the Iraqi population debased and demoralized, with dismal health care and a falling standard of living. Though this decay of Iraqi society was due explicitly to Saddam Hussein’s exploitation of the sanctions to enrich himself on the lucrative oil black market while he ignored the suffering of his own people, the left called the UN’s attempts to contain Hussein genocide. Now, as America moves toward confronting Iraq over its failure to disarm, those same voices from the left praise those sanctions, speaking about them with a degree of reverence as the most intrusive and effective sanctions in history.

Read the whole thing. It’s all the more impressive because the writer is no Bush fan.

MORE TROUBLE FOR SCHROEDER? Reader Casey Carrow emails from Mainz:

Thought I’d send you a photo panorama that you may be interested in seeing. It is a photo of an estimated 10,000 policemen and firemen in Mainz, Germany (where I live) demonstrating a recent proposal by the beloved Gerhard Schroeder that their retirement age be changed from 60 to 65. Rather than cheer and clap for their succession of speakers, they blew cheap plastic whistles that could be heard over two kilometers away!

Click on the picture for a larger image. Gee, you’d think Schroeder would try to distract people from stuff like this by ginning up some sort of phony foreign relations issue or something, wouldn’t you?

UPDATE: It’s not working. Heh.

THE EARTH FIRST! PROTEST AGAINST WAR that I reported below drew a spontaneous counterprotest, described by reader John Jenkins who was kind enough to send along a photo:

Thought you’d be interested – it appears that someone decided to “liberate” a half-dozen or so of the Earth First group’s NO WAR IN IRAQ signs that they had out today.

A few hours later, they were returned to their original locations, but with a few changes… This was done to the sounds of honking and cheering from many others in vehicles along Kingston Pike and down the ramp to Interstate 40. I saw much of this while driving by, and my friend was quick enough to get a picture of one of the signs.

Ordinarily I would disapprove of such behavior, but as Earth First! was willing to appropriate someone else’s sign for its protest, I guess this sort of turnabout counts as fair play.

GARY HART UPDATE: Jeralyn Merritt of Talkleft got an exclusive interview with Hart today, and reports on the controversy, and his response.

UPDATE: Here’s a rather more critical take, from NRO.

As I said on Hugh Hewitt’s radio show last night, I think that the “anti-semitism” issue is entirely bogus. A bigger question is whether Hart will be able to articulate a foreign policy that is different from the Administration’s, but not wimpish or overly idealistic. That’s possible — I could do it — but Hart hasn’t done it yet.

COLLIN MAY has advice for European leaders.


Japan has warned it would launch a pre-emptive military action against North Korea if it had firm evidence Pyongyang was planning a missile attack.

Defence Minister Shigeru Ishiba said it would be “a self-defence measure” if North Korea was going to “resort to arms against Japan”.

Mr Ishiba said it would be too late if a North Korean missile was already on its way.

Where are the condemnations of “unilateralism” and “preemption”?

CHRISTOPHER HITCHENS writes that the United Nations is playing Saddam’s game.

WORRIED ABOUT A CHEMICAL ATTACK? Apparently, some people really are. Here’s an item that circulated a lot last year.

Meanwhile, here’s a column I wrote a while back on what you can do to protect yourself, and others.

UPDATE: Apparently, the story in the first link is bogus:

The reference to the accounting firm giving out survival kits is completely fabricated. You can see my email is at PwC also, and sitting in the office all day, all I got was free coffee.

Of course, this report could be bogus. Maybe the emailer is lying for fear that Tom Daschle will find out about the glowsticks and bottled water, and have ’em prosecuted.

NOW IT’S OLIVER WILLIS WHO’S VLOGGING. The man was made for TV. This is more like radio-with-pictures, though. Somebody buy him a webcam.

NICK DENTON’S RESPONSE to the Columbia disaster? Militarize space.

He’s such a warmonger, our Nick.

THE SCOURGE OF RICHARD COHEN: No, it’s not Charles Austin this time, but Tony Adragna, who writes that Cohen selectively misquotes Osama.

HERE’S A U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT STORY on the John Lott affair, in which Lott comes off fairly well, though he does not emerge unscathed. Jacob Levy reports on an article in the Chronicle of Higher Education, too, but it’s subscriber-only on their website, and I couldn’t find it on Nexis; guess it’s not up yet. Meanwhile this somewhat snarky item from the Washington Post has garnered a number of letters (reproduced here) in support of Lott’s computer-crash story. Those have some probative value, though they don’t actually prove that he did the survey in question, of course — only that he’s telling the truth about the computer crash.

UPDATE: Ask and ye shall receive. Quite a few people emailed me copies of the Chronicle article. Nothing really new there, though it’s a good summary of the affair so far.