Archive for 2002

THE NEW YORK SUN IS NOW ONLINE with articles, etc.

Maybe now that that’s done, they’ll get around to paying me for the piece I wrote for their first issue. . . .

OKAY, THIS IS TOO BIZARRE: Over on Romenesko’s letters page, Eric Boehlert of Salon writes:

Arab News nailed what has become the Wall Street Journal’s bizarre daily log, “Best of the Web.”

Okay. Follow the link and you’ll read this:

What Sharon is doing on the ground, Taranto is doing in cyberspace.

They are a kind of twin evil. Sharon orders the crushing of civilians in their houses in Jenin in response to Palestinian suicide attacks. Taranto later provides a link to an Amnesty International report criticizing Palestinian suicide bombers.

Got that? Bulldozing houses is the same as posting links to Amnesty International reports!

Also — as Josh Trevino points out — the author of the Arab News piece claims to have authored a book that doesn’t exist.

This is Salon’s idea of “nailing” someone? That explains a lot, actually.

UPDATE: I wonder if Salon shares the Arab News’ view of the peace process?

TRUCKIN’ – Reader (and truck driver) Gerald Dearing takes up my challenge on the hours-of-service regulations:

I have to disagree about the Hours of Service regs being too inflexible. Seventy hours in eight days is a lot of driving time. When I hit seventy, I’m spent. The hard and fast rule is: no more than ten hours without eight hours off duty. Other than that, you can do pretty much what you want. Up to sixteen driving hours in a twenty four hour day. And even the eight hour break can be split into two segments of “sleeper berth time” (as opposed to standard “off duty time”). Notice that nowhere do the regs say that the driver must actually sleep.

Reform as proposed would make the rules more rigid, more complex, and more hostile to the driver. To the point of mandating a non-paid non-productive day of down time while on the road. If I have to be down, I’d rather be home!

Sleep experts criticize the ten-on-eight-off cycle as disruptive to circadian rhythms, but no workable cure has been proposed (that I’ve seen).

There is, of course, the argument that the number of hours a driver can work should be increased. The regs were written at a time when there were no freeways, no power steering, no cab suspension, no comforts such as air conditioning or brakes. Driving is much less taxing now than in the “good ole days”. But I doubt any politico will seriously push that idea.

The biggest problem is Shippers and Receivers who demand the impossible, carriers desperate to please the customer, and drivers who will actually violate the regs when pushed.

Example: One recent load I had was from New Orleans to Denver for an 8 am delivery appointment. 1233 miles in 49 hours; achievable. Trailer was to be preloaded and ready for pickup at the Shipper by 8 am. Not only was it not ready, the product had not even been pulled or staged. It was 11 pm before I was ready to roll. Now the delivery expectation was legally unachievable.

A dispatcher will tell the driver “you need to be there on time, we can’t upset this account”. An experienced driver will say “the load gets there when I get there. The service failure is due to the Shipper, not us”. If he wants to dispute it further, every company has a Safety Department. And the DOT loves these disputes (thousands of $$$$ in fines!).

Unfortunately, our industry has a high turnover of a small percentage of drivers. “Six week wonders.” (It’s a tough life.) There are always those with less experience who give in the the pressure or think that their job is in jeopardy. These drivers (and some cowboys) will actually run the load. And give the rest of us a bad name. Given time, they learn that no carrier dares take action against a driver who refuses to run on legitimate grounds. And a driver with a good safety record can find employment with just a phone call.

The time a driver spends waiting for loading or unloading is off duty time, and doesn’t count against the hours of service. But it is not pleasant time. There is no rest or sleep. A loading delay of eight hours can count as your break, leaving you dead tired. The customer, however,expects you to be able to drive the next ten hours (or more) nonstop.

This problem would go away if carriers would charge delay/detainage fee for customers who fail to load/unload trucks in a timely manner. Say, within four hours of the appointment.. But carriers are loath to charge these fees, for fear the customers would switch to the competition. So this needs to be universal. I hate to call for Government action, but unless an industry wide resolve is reached… Maybe with pressure from PATT, etc…

This can happen without codification. Proctor & Gamble is a leader in this aspect. For their shipments, they require that the consignee complete unloading within two hours of the trucks delivery appointment, or the customer is charged higher rates on subsequent shipments. On the flip side, it was an expediter for P&G that screwed up my Denver load so badly.

Of course, there are truckers who would disagree with me. That’s the great thing about truckers. Go to any truckstop and you can get an argument on any side of any issue. Some guys will argue both sides simultaneously. Anything to be contrary. Hours of Service is a favorite gripe. But I doubt you’d get much support for the reforms as proposed.

More than you ever wanted to know about trucking.

I like trucks. I have fond memories of riding along with my dad and grandad when I was little: both drove gas tankers at various times. For my dad it was just a working-through-college thing. I’ve never driven anything bigger than a rental truck full of sound equipment, though.

WHAT’S (AND WHO’S) PATRIOTIC? Jonah Goldberg has some thoughts.

CHOMSKY MANSION UPDATE: Still nice, but as I suspected, not as nice as first reported. It turns out 36,000 square feet is the lot size, not the house size. Chomsky’s house is, in fact, significantly smaller than Stately InstaPundit Manor. I lack a lake place, and multiple boats, though.

I don’t know how relevant this is, anyway. My dad, who was a big ’60s protester, got some grief from people when he bought a Mercedes a while back. His response was, “I remember protesting for civil rights, and against the Vietnam war, but I don’t remember taking a position on German luxury automobiles.” Of course, my dad has never been an anti-capitalist weenie like Chomsky, either.

IT’S STARTED: Here’s a rant about Salon’s new blogging initiative.

I think I’ll wait a bit longer before offering my own critique.

PRINCETON’S HACKING EXCUSE (the old “we were just checking the security!”) wins the Whopper of the Week award from Slate: “It is possible that this really was a security check. If so, however, it was a remarkably thorough one. And why should Princeton care whether Yale’s computers are secure?”

Why, indeed?

STEPHEN F. HAYES reports that Bill Moyers poses a problem for PBS, sufficiently so that quite a few stations pulled his show during pledge week for fear of offending viewers.

IS MOUSSAOUI INNOCENT? Jonah Goldberg makes a persuasive case that he may be, at least with regard to planning the WTC attack itself.

MORE ON CONGRESS’S RAVING LUNACY, from Mike Connor at AlterNet. (Via The Hamster.)

MORE RIOTS IN ALGERIA. If these were in Israel or the West Bank they’d be getting a lot more attention — even though vastly more Algerians than Israelis and Palestinians have died as part of Algeria’s troubles.

Why is that? Antisemitism? Condescending racism toward Arabs? (“The wogs are always killing each other — big deal.”) Or both?

PRINCETON HACKS YALE: TAPPED has the story. How pathetic.

Of course, maybe they’re just hoping for a job in Hollywood.

UPDATE: Here’s the Slashdot thread on the subject, with a number of interesting observations.

MORE ON POLITICAL FERMENT IN IRAN: I don’t know when the lid will blow off, but it’s definitely building up pressure.

JOE KATZMAN has a thoughtful post on Islam, assimilation, and multiculturalism, using as his jumping-off point Nick Denton’s “Western Dhimmis” post, and Vegard Valberg’s report that Norwegian multiculturalists are saying that Norwegian women are “asking” to be raped by immigrants by dressing provocatively.

DELLWATCH: Howard Owens explains why his last computer was a Dell, but his current computer is something else.

I’VE BLOGGED REPEATEDLY on the Secret Service’s problems, but this takes the cake:

DETROIT –– A Secret Service agent has admitted he scrawled anti-Muslim statements on a prayer calendar during the home search of a man charged with smuggling bogus checks into the United States, authorities said Thursday.

Not only is that a sorry-ass thing to do in general, but the damage it does to relations with the American Muslim community — who for everyone’s sake had better be on the right side — is just incalculable. This guy shouldn’t just be fired. He should be prosecuted, and given the maximum sentence they can manage.

I keep saying that homeland security is a joke. But this isn’t even funny.

MORE ON THE IRAQI OKLAHOMA CITY CONNECTION from Reid Stott. I know that amazing coincidences happen sometime without any actual connection. But this strains credulity, doesn’t it?

MULTIPLE CHOMSKY RANTS in one convenient location.

UPDATE: Chris Fountain writes:

I’m no fan of Chomsky, but the blog you link to claims that the man owns a

36,000 sq. foot home in Cambridge. That’s possible, I suppose, but even here

in Greenwich, I don’t believe our largest MacMansion exceeds, say, 25,000

sq. feet. The (presumably) false claim, coming at the beginning of the blog,

sort of undemines the effect of the whole rant.

Yeah, that’s kinda big even for a celebrity socialist.

WHILE ERIC ALTERMAN has been bravely defending the Israeli attack on Hamas leader Saleh Shehadeh (and if you don’t think it was brave, you should see his hatemail), Jeff Goldstein is ambivalent. I think both are good things, since they indicate people are thinking.

RICHARD COHEN, APPARENTLY, remains insufficiently scourged. But Charles Austin is doing his best to remedy that.

COLD FURY HAS A POST on cars and trucks. He knows what he’s talking about.

Maybe next he’ll weigh in on the hours-of-service regs, and how they don’t make sense.