KNIFE RIGHTS UPDATE: Connecticut Supreme Court: Second Amendment protects dirk knives and police batons.

This bit is interesting, as it seems to suggest that the more equipment police have, the more likely it is to be protected for civilians: “This widespread acceptance of batons within the law enforcement community also supports the conclusion that they are not so dangerous or unusual as to fall outside the purview of the second amendment. To this end, the fact that police batons are inherently less lethal, and therefore less dangerous and less intrinsically harmful, than handguns, which clearly constitute “arms” within the meaning of the second amendment, provides further reason to conclude that they are entitled to constitutional protection.”

Plus, an observation that could have come right out of my Second Amendment Penumbras piece: “Post-Heller case law supports the commonsense conclusion that the core right to possess a protected weapon in the home for self-defense necessarily entails the right, subject to reasonable regulation, to engage in activities necessary to enable possession in the home. Thus, the safe transportation of weapons protected by the second amendment is an essential corollary of the right to possess them in the home for self-defense when such transportation is necessary to effectuate that right.”