JOHN HAYWARD: Comet Guy and the social-justice black hole.

Of course, the very point of the mob action is that no conscious offense by Taylor was required for him to be boiled in online oil. Thoughtcrime does not always proceed from deliberate action; intention is divined by the accusers. The goal is to create an atmosphere of terror, in which everyone is double extra careful to pre-censor their words and deeds, and by extension their thoughts, for fear of career destruction.

And it occurs to me that the target of this noisy little radfem band is women, as much as it is men. Women are being programmed through these actions. Offense is being taken on their behalf, to fine-tune the programming of a group mind. A key objective of “War on Women” freak-outs is to push the women who initially dismiss them as ridiculous into accepting them, at least tacitly.

I think they overreached this time.