THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU RELY ON GOVERNMENT DATA: Baylen Linnekin looks inside a Washington, DC food desert—which features a Starbucks and a campus dining hall. And pomegranates. “A sign just off campus also noted the presence of a local weekend farmers market. Other nearby grocery options include a Walmart grocery store, located two miles from campus. Meanwhile, grocery delivery services like Peapod are available to bring food to those who prefer to order online—and who can’t or won’t go to the grocery store. If those options don’t suffice, the fact the area is also located next to two subway stops and at least one bus line means people in the area are mobile. One set of Catholic students, in fact, told my students that they often travel by subway to the Whole Foods at George Washington University to buy their groceries.”

Knoxville has a “food desert” with a Trader Joe’s.