ASHE SCHOW: Campus sexual assault: The only crime where due process is shunned.

In a report about those accused of sexual assault suing their universities, National Public Radio correspondent Tovia Smith interviewed a lawyer for accusers who suggested those men needed to evolve and get over that pesky due process thing.

According to Smith’s paraphrasing, attorney Colby Bruno suggested the fact that “a lot of young men are suing their schools doesn’t mean the process is actually unfair – only that it suggests some students are having trouble adjusting to the changing norms on campus sexual assault.”

Bruno perpetuated the “guilty until proven innocent” mantra against those accused of sexual assault that is permeating college campuses.

“I don’t have sympathy for the guy who assaults somebody and thinks he’s been railroaded,” Bruno said. “The cases where students are deluding themselves into thinking that what they did wasn’t rape and sexual assault? I think those are 85 percent of boys coming forward saying, ‘I was railroaded.’ ”

Of course, Bruno has no more proof of her 85 percent claim than I have to say 85 percent of college women are turning regrets and failed relationships into rape or sexual assault.

That kind of talk is a disgrace to the legal profession, but it’s no surprise in this field, which has been taken over by moneygrubbing charlatans and crazed gender-hate.