RECIPE: CHICKEN THIGHS WITH CAPERS AND WHITE WINE. So I’ve been making this for a while, but last night my foodie sister-in-law was raving about it, so here’s a quick and healthy dish that, apparently, can still impress a foodie.

4-6 boneless skinless chicken thighs.

Olive Oil and olive oil spray.


White wine.

Smoked paprika & tarragon. Salt & pepper.

Take a nonstick pan — I use the Orgreenic — and liberally coat with olive oil spray. Then add a small amount — 1/2 to 1 tablespoon — of olive oil. Also spray chicken thighs with olive oil spray, then put in pan.

Coat thighs with smoked paprika (I prefer Trader Joe’s, but any is fine) and tarragon. Salt and pepper to taste. Cook in pan over medium-high heat until nearly done. Add a liberal helping of capers and a spoonful or two of caper brine. Then add white wine (I usually use the dregs of a handy bottle, but about 2-4 ounces). Let the white wine cook down by about 50%. Serve and enjoy! The white wine reduction makes a savory sauce, and the whole thing is low calorie, low-fat, and very low carb. It’s also pretty low sodium unless you have a heavy hand with the salt. And it’s easy!