IT WASN’T A “MISHAP,” IT WAS MISCONDUCT: National Journal: IRS Mishap Gives Republicans Ammunition in Effort to Defund the Agency.
Related, from Rick Hasen:
This is not one of the best days for the IRS. Conservatives are absolutely right to call for a congressional investigation of this one, even if it turns out to be an isolated problem.
For liberals who think this is no big deal, imagine if during the Bush Administration the IRS targeted political groups that were “progressive” for special scrutiny.
Indeed. Plus, from Megan McArdle:
Conservative groups have been complaining for a few years that they’re being harassed by the IRS, forced to endure an inordinate amount of scrutiny. I’ve been ignoring those complaints, because it just seemed so unlikely. Sure, that sort of thing used to go on: Kennedy ordered the IRS to investigate both right- and left-wing groups he didn’t like, and Richard Nixon was audited three times between 1961 and 1968. But those were the bad old days. No modern administration, or modern agency would do that.
Well, I take it back. The IRS admits that, in fact, it did single out conservative groups for scrutiny.
These are the bad old days, come again. Wake up and smell the Chicago.
Related: IRS won’t say whether it will discipline employees over targeting of Tea Party groups.