CLASSY: Intimidation: NY Newspaper Publishes Names, Addresses of Gun Permit Holders. I guess nobody could object to people putting the newspaper staff’s addresses on the Web now, right?.
UPDATE: Sauce for the goose. Meanwhile, several readers suggest that it’s mean to the non-gun-owning populace to post the gunowner list, since burglars and home invaders can now just check their addresses against the list to ensure that they’re safe to rob. . . .
You know, other newspapers have done this sort of thing, and they’ve pretty much all gotten terrible PR out of it. You have to wonder why people keep doing it. I can’t help but feel that they’re not trying to maximize shareholder value.
ANOTHER UPDATE: Reader Jeff Brown writes: “So is that NY newspaper going to pay to relocate the women who have gun permits due to stalkers and abusive spouses now that the paper has revealed their new addresses? What about the children who will now spend Christmas in a shelter or motel because their mother had to run?”