CHRISTIAN ADAMS: “The new O’Keefe video raises the question – how many other undercover videographers have penetrated the Obama campaign? O’Keefe obviously reached the heart of one operation. Who knows how many more Obama campaign offices are full of ‘volunteers’ on the lookout for criminal behavior by other Obama campaign staffers?”
Hey, remember Breitbart telling John Podesta “wherever you go, we’ll have a video camera?” And Adams — an expert voting-rights lawyer who until recently worked at the Justice Department — has a lot more on the illegalities involved, and on the background of the Obama staffer nailed here. The press will try to minimize it, but this is a big story. “This paid Obama staffer is a radical’s radical. She was active in the Students for a Democratic Society in Houston. The most shocking thing about that is that the SDS still exists. The second most shocking thing is that someone from this leftover Marxist organization would be a paid staffer with the DNC. I’ll bet that didn’t happen on Bill Clinton and Don Fowler’s watch. . . . Now we have yet another reason to explain why some Democrats so aggressively oppose election integrity efforts and accuse election integrity watchdogs of phony ‘voter suppression.’ They don’t want anyone, it seems, to know what they are really up to.”
The thing is, you’re supposed to “suppress” illegal voting. (I had linked this earlier in passing, but it’s a big story that deserves more detailed treatment.)