READER JAY VAIL ASKS THAT I PLUG HIS BOOK, Lone Star Rising: The Voyage Of The Wasp. Here’s the cover blurb:
George Washington is dead. The American rebellion has failed. Imperial tyranny not only grips the newly pacified colonies, but reaches across the Appalachians to the refugees who cluster there in a fledgling free state they call The Tennessee. So they are not safe even in that wilderness. Led by Andrew Jackson, the refugees flee further westward into the Spanish Empire to a desolate place called Texas. But Jackson is not content to be a Spanish subject. He dreams large. Texas must be free and independent from the corrupt old empires of Europe. But with no army other than the few in the Texas Rangers, and no navy, Texas has no hope of opposing the forces of Spain, which crush one rebellion after another in the New World, until there is no more resistance except that posed by the refugees from British America.
No hope, that is, until David Crockett meets an unemployed naval officer named John Paul Jones II on the wharves at Baltimore.
Together they buy and refit a broken down warship and name her the TS Wasp, the first ship of the Texas Navy. And sail away to seize Spanish treasure and remake history.
Sounds like fun!