IN RESPONSE TO MY REVIEW of the FitDesk laptop exercise bicycle, reader Wilfrid Nixon writes:

I wanted to write and thank you for your review of the Fitdesk X Compact Pedal Desk. Based on your review, I ordered it and it has exceeded my expectations. As you indicated, it was easy to set up. But for me it may have finally cracked my exercise problem. I have never enjoyed exercise and have always viewed it as an intrusion on other things, but now, it intrudes no longer! I have been able since getting the Fitdesk to do about an hour a day of gentle pedaling while also checking e-mails and the like. Whether I will still be doing this in a year’s time remains to be seen, but I have made a much better start than with any other exercise I have begun. Of course, the exercise itself is not very vigorous, but that does not matter right now.

So, thank you. Your recommendation has been just great for me so far. I will write and let you know this time next year whether it is still functioning as intended for me!

We still like it.